Page 85 of Ruin Me, Daddy

No. No Ice. Just me and you. Please, angel? You owe me that much.

Casting a glance at the bathroom, Silver nibbled at her bottom lip. There was no possible way Ice was going to let her go talk to Ace alone. But he was right, she did owe him. Even though he’d been worse than assholish, nobody deserved to find out their ex-girlfriend was fucking their best friend from an online gossip rag. She could go, talk to him, and deal with Daddy’s wrath when she got back.

Okay. Send me the address.


The shower had helped clear his mind more than he’d expected, and by the time he stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom, he had a plan. Not to track down Ace, because part of that shower-clarity had been the realization that if Ace didn’t want to talk, then that was fine. Everyone had given him space when he’d needed it, the least he could do was return the favor for his friend.

When Ace was ready to talk, Ice would be there. For now, he needed something to keep Silver’s mind off things. Reservations at the fanciest place he could find—Beckett probably had some recommendations—followed by a night at the club. Where he would make sure she had him and only him on her mind the rest of the night.

And, depending on how things went at the club, maybe he’d bring her home and claim the one hole he hadn’t yet taken.

It seemed like the perfect way to remind her, again, that she belonged to him now. Completely.

Grinning at his reflection, he grabbed his phone from the vanity and tapped out a quick message to Beckett for restaurant suggestions. Step one of his ‘Keep Silver Preoccupied’ plan complete.

“All right, Silver. Your turn. Daddy’s got plans for you tonight…” He trailed off, frowning as he scanned the empty room. “Silver?”

No answer.

Wrapped in nothing but a towel, he made his way out to the living area. It wouldn’t have surprised him to find her there, sneaking another cup of coffee while he was in the shower. The prospect of making sure she sat on a hot, sore bottom during dinner had adrenaline pumping through his veins as he stepped out into the living room.

But she wasn’t there, either.

She also wasn’t on the back deck, or down at the beach. Just as the adrenaline threatened to turn to panic, he caught sight of a piece of paper on the island countertop.


Went to talk to Ace. Yeah, I know, you’re going to wear my ass out when you find me. I kinda figured that. But I owe him the truth, face to face, Ice. I’m not a complete moron, though, so I’ll text you the address when I get there.

Love you,


Well, she was right about one thing.

He was definitely going to wear her ass out when he got his hands on her again.



She’d barely gotten five minutes from the house before her phone rang and Ice’s name popped up on the screen built into the car’s dashboard. Bracing herself for the lecture coming her way, she dragged in a breath and hit the button to answer his call. “Hi, Daddy.”

“You are in so much trouble, little girl. Where are you?”

“Ah.” Reaching over, she hit the button to switch back to the GPS. “About to get on the interstate.”

“Pull over. Now, Amanda.”

Oh, shit. He was pissed with a capital P. “Why?”

“So you can text me the address of where you’re going and I can meet you there.”

“Nope, can’t do that.” Despite her occasional brat status, her heart slammed against her ribcage as the refusal left her lips. Being sassy was one thing. Flat out telling her Daddy ‘No’ was likely to end with more trouble than her ass could actually handle.

“Little girl, if you get on the interstate before you text me that address, I will make sure you do not come for a month. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”