“It is. And I’m grateful. But I feel like we should be doing something more proactive, you know? That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I figured you’ve had your fair share of run-ins with crazy stalkers over the years.”
“I have, but unfortunately, we didn’t do much more than what Braden is doing right now. We beefed up security and we were extra careful about the information we gave to the public after that. Unless they actually threaten you, there’s not really much more you can do, I’m afraid.”
“Well, shit.” Dropping down into the chair beside Silver, Lottie took a deep pull from her glass. “I was hoping you’d have some more suggestions.”
“I’m sorry, honey. I wish I did. Hopefully they’ll get bored and move on sooner rather than later.”
Before Lottie could answer, the sound of raised voices came through the glass doors.
“Uh-oh. That’s Frankie.” Hopping up from her chair, Lottie held out a hand to help Silver out of hers. “From the sound of things, we’re going to need more wine.”
“On it.”
She followed Lottie into the house, where Frankie was standing toe to toe with the Giant Silver Fox Daddy who’d carried her off the stage the other night.
“This is stalking. I’m going to call the police and have your ass thrown in jail.”
Holden merely crossed his arms, one silver eyebrow raising in challenge. “You’re welcome to try, Francesca, but I was invited here, by my friends, just as you were. If you’re really so eager to get your bottom spanked, we can skip the part where you waste valuable police resources and I can take you upstairs right now.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Ah, Frankie?” Sounding both worried and amused, Lottie stepped forward. “I hate to tell you this babe, but he looks very much like he would dare. Why don’t you come outside with us? We have wine.”
Frankie spun around, her eyes flashing with fury. “Fine. But it better be damn good wine.”
She stormed past them out to the back deck, and Holden sent everyone an apologetic smile. “My apologies. I didn’t realize she was still so…”
“Pissed?” Ice supplied dryly.
“Yes. That.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Waving a hand as if batting away the negative vibes Frankie had left behind, Lottie grabbed two more glasses from the island. “Send Ivy and Delia our way when they get here, would ya? Thanks!”
They found Frankie pacing the same path Lottie had been a moment before, but with much more vigor. She looked up when they closed the door behind them again, a snarl on her face. “I can’t believe you invited him!”
Holding up her wine in surrender, Silver shook her head. “Don’t look at me. Ice made me take a nap and the next thing I know he’s telling me to get dressed for company. I had zero input on this whole thing.”
That brought Frankie to a halt, and Lottie took the opportunity to shove a glass of wine into her hand. “Made you take a nap? Are you okay?” Frankie asked, her expression shifting from pissed to concerned so fast it threatened to give Silver whiplash.
“I’m fine.” But when Frankie and Lottie shared a look, she knew she wasn’t going to get away with just telling them that.
And for a moment, she was tempted to tell them about the texts from Ace. But it was her problem to deal with, and there was no sense in burdening everyone else with her issues.
She could tell them at least part of the truth, though. The part that wouldn’t drag the whole group down into the pit with her. “I promise I really am fine. I woke up this morning just feeling kind of off. Ice thinks I was dropping.”
“Poor baby.” Lottie’s voice was filled with sympathy as she skirted around Frankie to give Silver a hug. “Sub-drop sucks. I’ve only felt it a couple of times, after a really intense scene, but it’s hard to feel like you want to cry or scream or just lose your shit on someone and not really understand why.”
“Yes! That was exactly it! We had a great time last night and then this morning I woke up and just felt so… blah.”
“Well, you’ve got us to cheer you up. I bet that’s why Ice invited us over.” Pressing a hand to her heart, Lottie gave a dramatic sniffle. “He’s such a good Daddy.”
The description made Silver grin. “You know he never called himself a Daddy before he came here, right?”
Lottie’s mouth fell open in surprise. “Really?”
“Nope. I used to call him that as a joke when he was being a worrywart but none of his other submissives ever called him Daddy, and before now he’s never referred to himself that way.”
The concern in Frankie’s eyes gave way to curiosity. “So… just for you, then. He’s only Daddy for you?”