Page 52 of Ruin Me, Daddy

“Not a chance. We have at least fifteen minutes before everyone gets here. That’s plenty of time.”

Arching a distrusting eyebrow, she leaned in to brush her lips over his. “Fifteen minutes? For you? I doubt it.”

“Challenge accepted.” Running his hands under her shirt, he cupped her breasts, which were sadly covered by thin cotton. Still, her head fell back with a groan as he brushed his thumbs over her hardening nipples.

It wasn’t until he had her whimpering and grinding her hips against his that he realized why the shirt was so big on her. “Are you wearing my shirt?”


“The shirt. Is it mine?”

Lifting her head, she stared down at him in utter disbelief. “You’re asking me this now?”

“I’ll take that as a yes. Naughty girl, stealing Daddy’s clothes.” With a grin, he gave her nipples a tweak, drawing a sharp yelp of pain from her.

“I didn’t steal it. I just borrowed it.” Her smile was full of sass. “Without telling you.”

“Hmmm. Sounds like stealing to me. Naughty girls who steal get their bottoms spanked.”

Before she could protest, he had her face down over his lap, rubbing her ass through her leggings. “Do you know why you’re getting this pretty bottom spanked right now, young lady?”

Her giggle had his cock hardening as she wiggled over his knee. “Because you don’t know the difference between ‘borrowed’ and ‘stole’?”

“Little brat.” But he wasn’t quite able to keep from breaking character and his own laughter snuck through as he swatted her several times in a row.

“Ow, Daddy, no!” Her over-the-top reactions made him laugh even harder. He knew damn well he wasn’t spanking her nearly hard enough to warrant the struggle she was putting up. “Please stop, Daddy, I’ll be good forever and ever!”

“It was very naughty to steal from Daddy, little girl. I hope this spanking is teaching you a good lesson.”

Swatting her harder only resulted in more laughter from both of them. Until he finally stopped and slipped his hand between her thighs, pressing against her clit through her clothing.

“Are you ready to be Daddy’s good girl?” he asked as she pressed back against his hand.

Laughter gave way to little mewls of pleasure. “Yes, Daddy! I’ll be so good, I swear.”

Just as he was reaching for the waistband of her leggings so he could rip them from her and fuck them both into oblivion, a sweet, chiming melody rang throughout the house and he let out a frustrated groan.

“What’s that?” she asked, craning her neck up to look around.

“The doorbell. Up you go, my naughty little goddess.”

“Seriously? You’re not going to at least finish me first?”

“Nope.” Giving her a little nudge, he helped her to her feet, swallowing a laugh at her sulky expression. “If I have to wait, so do you.”

“I’m going to murder whoever that is.”

“You can’t murder our guests, baby.”

“Says who? No jury would find me guilty. Justifiable homicide.”

“You are adorable when you’ve been denied,” he said, pulling her in for a quick, hard kiss. “I might have to keep you in this state more often.”

Murder shone in her eyes. “That really would be justifiable.”

The doorbell rang again, followed by Lottie’s voice. “Hello? Anybody in there?”

“Be right there!” He raised an eyebrow at the still-sulking Silver. “Are you ready to be nice or do I need to give you a real spanking before I go open that door?”