Page 41 of Ruin Me, Daddy

The temper she was just barely keeping at bay flared hot and bright. “Sitting down. What the fuck does it look like I’m doing?”

“Certainly not earning that orgasm,” he said, his voice turning to steel. “Keep pushing me, baby. I promise it won’t end well for you. Knees.”

He pointed to the spot in front of him, and she realized with a sudden clarity why they were seated at this particular booth. Humiliation and fury burning along her skin, she lowered herself to her knees in front of him, her head lowered and her hands resting palms-up on her thighs.

“Much better. Now, apologize to Master Beckett for acting out in front of him.”

A niggle of guilt pushed past the anger and the embarrassment. She knew better than to lash out at her Dominant, especially in such a public space. “I apologize for my behavior, Master Beckett.”

Becket was smiling down at her when she risked a peek up at him through her lashes. “All’s forgiven, sweetheart.”

“That’s a good girl,” Ice said, his voice full of pride. “Eyes on me, baby.”

His praise had warmth pooling in her belly as she raised her head to look up at him. “Sir?”

Cupping her face, he ran a thumb across her cheekbone. “Are you ready to be Daddy’s good girl and earn your orgasm now?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good. You can start by wrapping those pretty red lips around my cock while Master Beckett and I catch up. You may begin.”

Part of her had thought maybe he just wanted her on her knees so she could beg him for her orgasm.

She should have known better.

Rising up on her knees, and trying to ignore the way her pussy throbbed with a need not at all dulled by her humiliating circumstances, she opened his leathers. His cock sprang free, and she smirked inside at the knowledge that she wasn’t the only one suffering.

She was painfully aware of Master Beckett watching her with interest as she lowered her head to lick at the tip of her Daddy’s cock. Ice groaned as she teased him with her tongue before parting her lips and taking him deeper into her mouth.

“Good girl,” he praised quietly, running a hand over the top of her head. “Keep it light. I’m not looking to come yet, I just want my cock in your filthy little mouth.”

More humiliation, more burning need between her thighs. But now alongside it, the desire to please, to prove to him that she could actually be a good girl when she put her mind to it.

So she blocked out their conversation, and focused only on him. On slowly taking him deeper and deeper into her mouth. A few times, she forgot to relax her throat and she gagged on the length of him. Whenever that happened, he’d stroke her head again, soothing her without so much as pausing the conversation.

It didn’t take long for her jaw to begin to ache, especially with how thick he was. Her mouth was forced open to an unnatural degree, and it was exhausting, but she didn’t stop until he gave her bun a gentle tug.

When she looked up, he was smiling down at her, his expression full of pride and… well, she wasn’t sure exactly what to call the other emotion. She’d only seen him look at a guitar the way he was looking at her just then. Whatever it was, it made her heart leap at the sight of it. “That was perfect, baby. I think you’ve earned yourself a trip down to the pit if you’d like it.”

She grinned up at him, even though it hurt like a bitch to do so. “I would love that, Daddy.”

Ice tucked himself back into his pants before rising and holding out a hand to help her up. She winced as he helped her to her feet, her muscles protesting after having been folded into one position for so long.

“You okay?”

“Just a little stiff, Sir.”

The corners of his mouth turned down in a frown. “You should have said.”

“I didn’t really notice until I stood up.” When his frown deepened, she had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “I promise I’m fine. Just need to stretch my legs a bit.”

“If you’re sure…”

“I’m positive. Now, will you please take me down to the pit before I lose my temper and all my orgasms for the night?”

Her cheeky demand made him laugh, which had been the point. But the sound of it… god, she loved his laugh. Low and rich, it wound around her like an embrace. There was nothing in the world like the sound of Ice’s laugh.

“All right, brat. Down to the pit we go. But you still have a ways to go to earn that orgasm.”