Page 34 of Ruin Me, Daddy

The words, she knew, would come later. Where Ace preferred to write the lyrics first and then add the music later, Ice worked in reverse. It was how they’d worked for years, a seamless team blending their talents with hers and Crash’s, to make some of the greatest music the world had ever known—if she did say so herself.

What would become of them if their band split up? She assumed that, as most did, they would each find their own way. Ace would find someone to give him the music and Ice would find someone to give him the words. But the magic they’d made, that was lightning in a bottle. And she couldn’t see a path where splitting up led to anything good.

Because it made her ache even more than the song had to think of it, she crossed the room to stand in front of him, amused when it took him a moment to notice her. The only time Ice ever seemed oblivious to her presence was when he was deep in his music.

She might have felt guilty for interrupting him if it hadn’t been for the smile that curved his lips as his gaze traveled up from her bare legs, to the hem of his shirt just barely covering her pussy, all the way up to her face. “Morning, Daddy.”

She hadn’t even meant to continue using the title. But she couldn’t regret it, not when his eyes turned to molten pools the moment the words left her lips.

“Morning. Come here.”

He grabbed for her before she had a chance to react, and in a heartbeat she’d taken his guitar’s place on his lap, straddling him as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Pushing aside her worries about what would happen after they returned to California, she grinned and draped her arms around his neck. “Hi.”

“Mmm.” His hold on her loosened, but only so he could grip her ass in his hands, squeezing and kneading the flesh. Little flashes of pain reminded her of the paddling she’d received, how thoroughly she’d been punished, and amusement quickly turned to need.

“I like you like this,” he said, leaning in to brush a kiss over her lips. “All rumpled and soft. And wearing my clothes.”

“I’d look even better out of your clothes. You should come back to bed.”

His hands were making her want things. Things she had no business still wanting in the bright light of day.

“I could…” His voice trailed off on a wicked chuckle. “But you haven’t begged, yet.”

Humiliation heated her cheeks as his hands traveled up her body, teasing her with too-soft touches as he pushed the shirt up over her tummy. But right alongside the humiliation was want and desire, that slow, steady awakening of it as his thumbs traced little patterns over her flesh. “Ice, come on.”

“You know how to beg prettier than that, baby,” he scolded with another of those low laughs. Now his thumbs moved higher, brushing against the swell of her breasts. “If you want Daddy’s cock, you have to beg me for it.”

There were times she didn’t mind begging for a cock. Like when she was tied to a cross in the middle of a club, with an audience watching her thoroughly humiliate herself for her man.

But here on this pretty couch in this pretty little house, with the beautifully tragic music he’d been creating still ringing in her ears, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. “I’m not begging you to fuck me, Elias.”

In a heartbeat, she was on her back, his shirt shoved up over her breasts, baring her to his hungry gaze. “We’ll see about that.”

And then his mouth was on her, feasting on the tender flesh of her breasts, tugging at her hardening nipples. With every touch of his tongue, every nip of pain from his teeth, the need between her thighs grew more and more urgent.

Until she was on fire with it, every inch of her body inflamed from the inside out as she arched up, offering herself to him on a silent plea. “Ice, please.”

“So close, baby. So, so close. Try again.”

How the hell was she supposed to think with him torturing her like this? “You’re killing me, Ice. Please just fuck me already!”

Shifting his weight, he slid a hand up her thigh to where she was already slick with want. “Still so close.” His fingertips brushed her soaked lips before pulling away again. “And yet so far away.”

She growled low in her throat as she grabbed his wrist and tugged. But he was immovable, and all her efforts earned her was a raised eyebrow. “Let go, Silver, before I decide to revoke your orgasm privileges for the rest of the day.”

Because she had no doubt he meant every word, she immediately released his arm. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just… Ice, please. I need you. I need you so fucking bad.”

“Who do you need, baby? Who am I to you?”

“Daddy!” she cried as he speared her with his fingers. “I need you, Daddy, please! Please, fuck me!”

He shifted again, now to shove his sweatpants down his hips, and a moment later he was inside her, stretching her just as he had the night before. Only now there was the lingering soreness from being so thoroughly used, combining pain and pleasure in a cocktail designed to drive her out of her mind with need. Digging her nails into his back, she clung to him, desperate for some kind of anchor as the waves of her own pleasure threatened to drown her.

“That’s my good girl,” he crooned, flexing his hips and driving deeper into her core. “Beg for me, pretty girl. Beg for Daddy’s cum to fill your sweet pussy.”

Whatever pride she’d had was long since scattered on the floor around them. “Please, Daddy. I need you… I need your cock inside me. God, please, please fuck me. Harder,” she gasped when he rocked again, the thick length of him threatening to split her open.

“Greedy little girl,” he scolded with a strained laugh. “I’m trying not to hurt you.”