“Counteroffer. You take me back to your place and we can spend the rest of our night fucking each other silly.”
He let his lips curve up in a slow smile. “That sounds like an excellent plan.”
“Yeah?” Hope lit her eyes, so bright he almost felt bad for what he was about to do.
“Yeah.” Leaning in, he dropped his voice to a low whisper. “After Daddy punishes you for being such a defiant little brat.”
“Asshole,” she growled in response, her eyes narrowing with pure aggravation.
“I’ll be adding that to your tally, girl. Come on. I saved us a spot downstairs.”
“You can’t add tallies if I don’t know what the rules are.” Despite her grumbling, she fell into place beside him, her arm looped through his as he guided her down the metal steps. “It isn’t fair.”
“I shouldn’t have to tell you that calling your Dominant names is against the rules, Silver. You know better. Don’t you, girl?”
To his delight, a pink flush colored her cheeks as she dropped her head. “Yes, Sir. I do.”
“Do you still think it’s unfair for me to punish you for breaking that rule, then?”
“No, Sir.”
Pausing at the bottom of the stairs, he turned to her, gripping her chin between his thumb and forefinger so she was forced to look up at him. “What are you supposed to be calling me tonight, Silver?”
Wariness crept into her eyes. “Every time? Seriously?”
He hadn’t originally planned to push the issue. But seeing how annoyed she was by the title gave him such perverse enjoyment he couldn’t seem to help himself. “Every single time, girl.”
“I’ll call you Daddy if you stop calling me girl.”
Amused that she was still attempting to negotiate, he ran the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “Why does it bother you so much?”
“Why do you want me to call you Daddy?” she shot back, her lip curling up in a snarl.
Tightening his grip on her chin, he forced her head back further. “That’s not how this works, Silver. Tell me why you dislike the term ‘girl’ so much.”
“I just do.”
“Not good enough.” There was a reason, he could feel it. And some instinct told him he needed to know what that reason was. “Tell Daddy why it bothers you.”
Jackpot. He knew he’d taken the right path when her expression immediately softened. “Oh, you don’t fight fair.”
“So I’ve been told,” he said with a low laugh. “Don’t make me torment it out of you, Sil. You’re already in enough trouble and I would hate to revoke your orgasm privileges for the rest of the night.”
“I just don’t like it.” Her voice pitched up to a whine, and he had to force himself not to grin at the pitiful sound.
“Please don’t make me say it out loud. It’s embarrassing.”
“Good.” Now he did allow himself the grin as her brows drew together in confusion. “You’re fucking adorable when you’re embarrassed.”
“I am not adorable. You take that back.”
“Adorable. Like a little baby bunny. Now, be a good little bunny and tell Daddy why you hate being called ‘girl’ so much.”
The pink flush in her cheeks had darkened, and her bottom lip pushed out in a pout that was, as he’d said, adorable. “You call every woman you scene with ‘girl’. It’s just not… special.”