But the sight of her, looking like some goddess of seduction ready to suck the soul from every man in the room, had triggered something in him. Something dark he’d successfully kept locked away for years. Until that night he’d finally had her at his feet, her mouth full of his cock and her dark eyes pleading for more.
Whatever she’d unlocked that night wasn’t quite ready to go back in its cage. And that was a big fucking problem.
But it was his problem, so he tucked it away and focused on the woman currently glaring daggers at him. “You’re not playing tonight?”
This time when she pulled her arm away, he forced himself to let her go. And like a spell being broken, he was suddenly, painfully aware that they had an audience. Not just Lottie and Frankie, who were giving them their rapt attention, but several bystanders were sending curious looks their way as well.
Nobody, however, was looking more curious than Silver herself. Head tilted just to the side, she was watching him with eyes that he was certain saw far more than he was comfortable with. “Would that upset you, Sir? If I played with someone else?”
Her voice had dropped to that sultry tone he remembered from their night at Black Light. The one that practically begged him to claim her as his own and never let go.
But that way lay madness, as she’d proved that night. And as far as he knew, nothing had changed between then and now, nothing to stop her from ripping the fantasy out from under him yet again.
Fool me once, and all that.
“It’s none of my business who you play with, Silver.”
“Really?” Her eyebrows rose in feigned surprise. “Then why did you come storming over here, demanding to know if I was playing tonight?”
“Just looking out for a friend.”
It was a damn lie and they both knew it—a fact confirmed by the snort of derision she gave in response to said lie. “Right. Well, since I am, as you so helpfully pointed out, ‘dressed to play’, maybe I will. Lottie here was telling me all about her Daddy’s auction. Might be just what I need.”
Don’t you fucking dare. The words burned on his tongue, and judging by the way her mouth tilted up in a smirk, she heard them as clearly as if he’d actually said them.
“You’re playing with fire, girl.”
Her smirk vanished into a scowl. “Better to get burned by fire than iced out, don’t you think?”
Stepping closer, he cupped the back of her neck, those darkly primal parts of him thrilling at the slight widening of her eyes before he lowered his head to whisper in her ear. “Ice burns just as badly as fire under the wrong conditions. Don’t test me, Amanda.”
“You’re the one who said it was none of your business who I play with.”
“It’s not.” And he had no right to keep her from playing with anyone else. She wasn’t his to claim, and they both knew it.
“Then with all due respect, Sir, fuck off.”
Oh, how he wanted to make her pay for that. To put her on her knees so she could choke on his cock right there in front of her new friends. She’d always been a brat, and he’d spent a lifetime dreaming of all the ways he could tame her.
But she wasn’t his. So he pulled his hand from her neck and stepped back, though the effort cost him more than he cared to admit. “If I see you up on that auction block, you’re going to regret it, girl.”
Her growl of frustration brought a smile to his face as he turned and headed back to his table with Beckett. At least if he had to spend the night being horny and frustrated, he wouldn’t be alone.
And he was just enough of an asshole to enjoy that bit of petty revenge.
“That asshole.”
Still seething at the absolute audacity of one Elias Turner, Silver whipped around to face the table where her new friends were watching her with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity.
“I know you said you two had some history but… damn.” Frankie waved a hand in front of her face. “The chemistry is something else. You’ve got the whole damn curriculum, girl.”
“Tell me about it.” Her body was still humming with need, which only pissed her off even more. “I thought I might spontaneously combust when he grabbed me like that.”
“Same, and I was just watching it.” Excitement lit Lottie’s pale eyes, and Silver had the fleeting thought that Braden was probably going to get very, very lucky tonight. “He’s still an asshole, though.”