“You do look very pretty tonight, Sil. I’m so happy you made it.”
“Are you sure you want to go through with this? Your Daddy is already looking a bit stressed as it is.”
The last was from Cordelia as she wrapped Silver in a tight hug.
“I’m positive,” Silver whispered back. “I need this.”
“I understand. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
She was then passed to Braden, who hugged her so tightly she thought her ribs might snap. “You were missed, Ms. Sterling.”
“Thanks. I missed you all, too.”
Beckett, the final member of their group for the evening, watched her from several steps away. And when she held her arms open, he visibly hesitated before stepping forward to wrap her up in a brief, stiff hug. “Welcome back.”
Before she could ask him why he was acting so weird, he’d all but shoved her back into Ice’s arms. “Are you okay?” Ice murmured. “You look… frazzled. We can go home if this is too much.”
Putting the Beckett weirdness out of her head for the time being, she smiled up at him. “I’m fine, you big worrywart. I could use a drink, though.”
“One glass of wine. I catch you with anything else but water in your hands after that, you’re going to regret it.”
Need washed over her, making her wobble a bit on unsteady legs when he stepped away to head for the bar. Cordelia, who was watching her from the table, narrowed her eyes.
God, she really needed to get it together. If Cordelia suspected she couldn’t handle herself tonight, she’d tattle to Ice before Silver even had a chance to put her plan into action.
He was torn between bundling Silver back into the car and going straight home, and seeing if one of the themed rooms happened to be free tonight. Being back in the club was reminding him, very strongly, of how much he loved being her Daddy.
But he still had her injuries to consider, so he took the walk to the bar as an opportunity to let his blood cool.
The bar wasn’t as crowded as he’d expected, which he supposed wasn’t that surprising after all. Plenty of bidders would be abstaining as they waited to see if they’d win some company for the evening. No doubt after the auction it would be busier.
A pretty brunette smiled at him from behind the bar. The fact that he didn’t recognize her, despite her looking so at home there, was another reminder of how long he’d been away. “What can I get… Oh my god, you’re Ice!”
It had been a moment since anyone at the club had fangirled over him, and he couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah, I am.”
“Ho-lee shit. My friends back home are not going to believe this.” Her smile cranked up from polite to dazzling. “Gah, I wish I could have my phone back here!”
“Would an autograph do in the meantime? Actually…” He glanced back at the table he’d just left. “Hold that thought.”
He hurried back to the table, where Silver pouted up at him when she spotted his empty hands. “What happened to my wine?”
“Slight detour. Come with me.”
Confusion twisted her features, but she let herself be helped to her feet and guided back to the bar. The bartender’s eyes went so wide he worried vaguely that they might pop out of her head. “Oh my god. I’d heard you two played here but… oh my god.”
“Silver, this is… Sorry, darlin’. I didn’t catch your name.”
Placing both hands on the bar, the woman closed her eyes, her head dropping down like she was trying to prevent herself from passing out. “Ruby. I’m Ruby.”
“Silver, Ruby. Ruby, Silver. I was just about to sign an autograph for our new friend here and thought she might like yours, too.”
Ruby’s head snapped up, her eyes popping open again. “No offense, um, Sir. But if I had to choose, I’d choose Silver.” Looking more than a little starstruck, she shifted her gaze to his babygirl, who was grinning wider and brighter than he’d seen in months. “Like, for real, you have no idea how obsessed with you I am. I drove my parents crazy trying to learn the drums growing up. You’re just, you’re a fucking legend. Oops.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief and just a hint of apology. “Could we keep that little slip-up between us? Master Braden has a whole thing about swearing at the guests.”
“Your secret is safe with us,” Ice assured her with a wink. “And you’re right. She is fucking amazing.”
“I, ah, heard about the whole thing with Ace.” Ruby’s smile dimmed a bit, and there was genuine sympathy in her voice when she spoke. “I’m sorry that happened to you, Silver. You didn’t deserve that.”