Page 94 of Ruin Me, Daddy


Better you than me. Sorry, Lottie.


Awww, is my poor little blossom feeling neglected? That shouldn’t be a problem after tomorrow night.


That is NOT what I said!


What’s tomorrow night?


Auction night again. I had Braden put some very specific language in Ivy’s contract this time. Judging by her attitude the past week, someone needs a reminder of who she is, and who she belongs to.


As if I could ever forget I belong to the most amazing woman ever.


That’s very sweet, blossom. But it’s not going to save you.


Sigh. It was worth a try.

Another auction? As the messages poured in, Silver’s brain went into overdrive. Ice would be furious with her if she went through with the plan her mind was busy conjuring up… but maybe that was exactly what they both needed. A way to reconnect, the same way they connected once before. Despite what Ice might think, the only real danger here was to her ass. She’d even asked her physical therapist, though in very ‘beat around the bush’ kind of way. Judging by the glint in Ashley’s eyes, she’d known exactly what she was approving when she’d told Silver she could ‘resume her normal activities’. Now she just had to get Ice to believe it.

Before she could change her mind, she typed out a message to the chat.


Hey ladies. Who wants to help me piss off The Viking?


“I’m bored.”

Glancing up from his guitar, Ice couldn’t help but grin at the sight of his sultry goddess of the night draped upside down on the couch, kicking her feet like a little girl. “What do you want to do?”

“I dunno. Nothing.”

Poor baby. Other than her trips to physical therapy, they’d been mostly cooped up in this house for the past few weeks. She hadn’t even gone down to the beach for more than a few minutes here and there because of the cold.

Maybe he should take her out. Nothing wild, just dinner, maybe some shopping. “We could go downtown, have some dinner. Hit up the shops.”

“Yeah. Maybe.”

Well, that was far from the excited response he’d been expecting. “What about a movie?”

“Nothing good is playing. I looked already.”

“Baby, you gotta help me out here. Are you sure there’s nothing you want to do?”