Worse, she wasn’t even sure she wanted it to.
“You okay, honey?”
Forcing yet another smile, she looked up into Lottie’s concerned face. “I’m fine. Could use another drink, though.”
“Are you playing tonight?”
A familiar hum of excitement buzzed under her skin at the thought. But the buzz died as quickly as it had started. She hadn’t played with anyone since that night at Black Light, and she couldn’t quite stomach the idea of getting on her knees for anyone but Ice, especially where he might see.
Funny how making Ace jealous had always excited her, while the idea of upsetting Ice tied her stomach into knots. “No, I’m not playing tonight.”
“Another whiskey coming up, then.”
“Make it a double.” She was going to have to get a ride back to her hotel anyway. Might as well make the most of her evening.
“Sure thing.”
Silver pulled her phone from her pocket as Lottie sashayed toward the bar on ankle-breaker stilettos. Tapping the screen, she sighed at the most recent notification and opened the series of unread texts from Ace.
The Asshole:
Have you found Ice yet?
Simon said something about Arizona. And the east coast. Where are you?
So, what, are you just going to ignore me? Why are you being such a bitch about this? Call me.
Call me.
I swear to god when you get back to California I’m going to drag your ass to Black Light and remind you who you fucking belong to.
Why aren’t you answering me, angel? Be a good girl and text me back.
Goddammit, Sil, you can’t ignore me forever.
“Wanna bet?” she muttered, her stomach rolling as she shoved the phone back into her pocket at the same moment Lottie returned with her drink—and a friend.
The pair slid into the booth across from Silver, each holding their own tall glass of wine. They were strikingly different, with Lottie’s dark hair and pale eyes next to the newcomer’s fiery red locks and dark gaze, but with smiles that were nearly identical. Sympathetic, as if they knew Silver was hurting somehow, but determined in a way that told her they weren’t leaving until they’d figured out exactly what that hurt was.
Great. Just what she needed. Well-meaning strangers butting into her business.
“This is Frankie,” Lottie said by way of introduction, gesturing toward the redhead who waved hello before sipping at her wine. “And I’m sorry, I just realized I haven’t gotten your name yet.”
The world knew her as Silver, but if they hadn’t recognized her yet then she was happy to fly under the radar a bit longer. “Mandy.”
“Mandy? That’s adorable. So, Mandy,” Lottie continued before Silver could protest the description of adorable being applied to her in any shape or fashion, “what’s with you and The Viking?”
Even knowing it was coming, the question hit her straight in the gut and she had to force her lips to stay fixed in what she hoped passed for a reasonably polite smile. “It’s… a long story.”
Curiosity lit Frankie’s eyes as she gestured with her wine glass. “We have time.”
Sensing the two women across from her weren’t going to be put off that easily, Silver sighed and took a long sip of her whiskey. The stuff was like liquid gold, with just enough of a burn going down to make her feel alive.
And when she caught sight of Ice down in the pit, talking to a giant of a man she didn’t recognize, his head thrown back in laughter, the burn turned to fire in her veins.
“Fuck it,” she muttered, before slamming back the rest of her drink. “Bring me a few more of those and I’ll tell you whatever the fuck you wanna know.”
Across from her, Frankie and Lottie shared a look. Slipping from the table, Lottie grabbed the glass from Silver’s hand and winked. “You’ve got a deal.”