He could fucking kill Ace. “I solemnly swear that I will always be honest with you about how I’m feeling. No surprises here, baby.”
Relief flooded her expression. “Thank you. Sorry about the freakout.”
“No apologies necessary.” Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to the middle of her forehead, and she relaxed even further at that simple touch. “So not another word about this silly idea you have that I’ll somehow be embarrassed by you, yeah? If I catch you worrying, I’ll have to spank it out of you. Trust me when I tell you our guests won’t mind.”
The suggestion flustered her, just as he’d hoped, with pink coloring her cheeks as she attempted to glare up at him. “You wouldn’t actually spank me in front of them.”
“Why not? I’ve done worse than that at the club with our friends watching. And you just watched Lottie get her ass fuc?—”
“Okay, okay, you made your point!” The pink in her face deepened to crimson.
“Good.” Grinning down at her, he slipped an arm over her shoulders, tucking her up under his arm. “Now, let’s go see what kind of mischief Lottie has managed to get herself into while we were gone.”
“We were in here all of five minutes. She couldn’t have possibly gotten herself in trouble already.”
But when they returned to the kitchen, Lottie was standing in a corner, arms folded neatly behind her back while her Daddy sat at the island sipping a glass of whiskey and watching her with a smug smile. Braden lifted the glass as if in a toast when he spotted them.
“You can come out now, Lottie-bug.”
Not looking the least bit embarrassed, Lottie turned and made a beeline for Silver. Grabbing her arm and the bottle of wine she’d been carrying when they arrived, she all but dragged Silver toward the back door. “Send Frankie and Ivy out when they get here! Thanks!”
Silver glanced over her shoulder, looking slightly panicked, but Ice just shrugged. Whatever Lottie was up to, he was happy to give them some space.
Worst-case scenario, she’d talk the girls into making some trouble, and it would give him another opportunity to prove to Silver that he could never be embarrassed by her. To show her that no matter what she did, no matter how naughty she was, no matter how many times he had to spank her bratty little ass, it would never change the way he felt about her.
It would never change how much he loved her.
“Ishould probably stay inside so I can greet our guests.”
Lottie didn’t so much as pause on her way out the back door. “Please. It’s pizza and wine on the back porch, not a fancy dinner party. Besides, I need to talk to you.”
Stepping out onto the deck, Lottie sighed. “Oh, that view is stunning. I wonder if any of the other houses in this area are for sale.”
There were times Silver caught herself saying or doing something so out of touch with reality that it reminded her, very violently, how lucky she was to have the kind of success she’d had with Deviant Whispers. She couldn’t help but wonder if Lottie ever felt that way about her own wealth. Especially when she was casually discussing dropping a couple million on a second home the way most people talked about buying a new pair of shoes.
“What did you need to talk to me about?”
“Huh?” Turning around, Lottie looked confused for a moment before her nose wrinkled as though she’d smelled something distinctly unpleasant. “Oh, yeah. That. We need wine… and I forgot to grab a corkscrew and glasses. Dammit.”
“I’ll get it.”
Ice looked over from his spot by the island, his brows drawing together in concern when she stepped back into the house. “Everything okay?”
“We were outside for thirty seconds. Everything is fine, Daddy,” she said with a deliberate eye roll as she made her way past him to where the wine glasses were stored.
Something flashed in his eyes, but she noticed it too late to avoid the arm that reached out to grab her and pull her back against him. Ducking his head, he dropped his voice to a low growl. “Call me Daddy in that sassy tone again and I’ll bend you over this island and fuck you in front of all of our friends. You’ll spend the rest of the night full of Daddy’s cum, without being allowed any release yourself. Understood?”
Need coiled low in her belly at his threat. “Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl. Now, what did you need?”
“Umm… the thing. To open the wine. And glasses.”
“Corkscrew?” Braden supplied helpfully, the tumbler of whiskey he lifted to his lips doing nothing to hide his smile.