Some of the shock had faded by the time she was settled in a booth with Beckett, who immediately nudged a glass of water her way.
“Bossy,” she mumbled, lifting the glass to her lips.
“So I’ve been told.” His grin was quick and surprisingly boyish, so at odds with his hardass Dom persona she had to blink to be sure he hadn’t been replaced by someone else when she wasn’t looking. “Tell me a bit about yourself, Silver.”
“If you’re friends with Ice, I imagine you’ve heard plenty about me already.”
“You’re not wrong.” The admission was easy, with no hint one way or another as to how he felt about what he’d heard. “But I’m not interested in your history with Elias. I’m interested in you.”
There was something in his eyes, something that threatened to draw a person in and drown her in the intensity of his very soul. If her mind hadn’t still been so stuck on Ice, she would have been more than happy to let herself drown.
One more thing to be pissed at her supposed best friend for.
Later. Right now was just for her and the man who had paid an obscene amount of money for a few hours of her time. “What do you want to know?”
“What kind of things do you enjoy? Do you like pain, or are you more about giving yourself over to someone?”
Do you want me to hurt you, or do you just want to be Daddy’s little fucktoy for the evening? She wasn’t so distracted by Ice that Beckett’s words didn’t have an effect on her. Need flared between her thighs, not nearly as intense as when Ice was around, but enough to have her shifting in her seat a bit to try and relieve the ache.
“Both, I suppose?” Frowning into her water, she considered the question. “I don’t know, really. Nobody’s asked me that before.”
His eyebrows rose a fraction. “Not even Elias?”
“No. Ice always just seems to… know.”
“Ah.” Another of those disarmingly sweet smiles. “He has that way about him, doesn’t he?”
“What way?”
“Like he knows what you’re thinking before you even think it.”
“Yes!” Sitting up straighter now, Silver slapped a hand down on the table. “That’s exactly it! How does he do that?”
“I don’t know, but I’ve found it to be both comforting and infuriating, depending on my mood.”
“Ugh, tell me about it.”
“That being said…” The sweet smile disappeared, replaced by a stern look that had Silver swallowing hard in response. “You should know what you enjoy. It’s a basic tenant of the kind of play we engage in, Silver.”
Again with that deep, dark something in his eyes that had a flush rising to her cheeks. Thank god they were only doing a scene together, because she couldn’t imagine being lectured by him for real. “I do, Sir. Um. I like bondage, and I do enjoy pain. Impact play is a personal favorite. I like…” She trailed off, letting her mind wander. “I like it when I don’t have to be in control of any of it. I like being able to turn my mind off and just obey. Or not, depending on my mood.”
“That’s a good start. Thank you.” Leaning back against the booth seat, he tapped his fingers on the wooden tabletop.
She waited for him to ask another question, or to tell her what the plan for the evening was. But he didn’t. He simply sat there, his gaze traveling the room as if he was looking for someone.
Waiting for someone.
But before she could give voice to her suspicions, one corner of his mouth tilted upward. “Ah. The last member of our party has arrived.”
Beckett slid sideways, making room for Ice to join him on the bench, a matching smirk on his face. “Thank you, Beckett. And thank you for taking such good care of my purchase for me.”
Fury turned the edges of her vision red. “Your purchase?”
“Yes. Beckett has been handling some investments for me recently, so it seemed like a good idea to have him oversee this purchase as well.”