As we finished, I noticed Zarnak fidgeting with his napkin. “Is everything okay?” I asked.
He hesitated, then spoke softly. “I... have a confession to make.”
My heart leapt into my throat. “Oh?”
“I create terrariums,” he said in a rush. “Small, self-contained ecosystems. It’s... a hobby of mine.”
I blinked, then felt a wide smile spread across my face. “Zarnak, that’s adorable.”
He ducked his head, looking embarrassed. “It’s not very exciting, I know.”
“Are you kidding?” I leaned forward, genuinely interested. “That sounds fascinating. Tell me more.”
As Zarnak began describing his latest creation, I was captivated not just by his words, but by the way his entire demeanor changed. The reserved scientist melted away, replaced by someone passionate and animated.
Our main course arrived - iridescent fish fillets surrounded by vegetables that shifted colors with each bite. As we ate, I noticed the other couples around us.
Jake and Silla seemed lost in their own world, laughing easily over some private joke. A pang of envy shot through me, but I pushed it aside.
Ethan and Nala, on the other hand, were locked in a heated argument. Nala’s tail lashed back and forth as Ethan’s face grew redder by the second. I cringed, grateful for the peaceful companionship I shared with Zarnak.
Across the room, Rachel looked bored out of her mind as Tarnox regaled her with what appeared to be tales of his own greatness. I wondered how two such mismatched people had ended up together.
My gaze drifted back to Zarnak, catching him mid-bite. A drop of sauce clung to his lower lip, and I had to resist the urge to reach out and wipe it away. Instead, I focused on my own plate, marveling at the way the vegetables changed from deep purple to vibrant green as I cut into them.
“This is incredible,” I said, gesturing to the meal. “I’ve never tasted anything like it.”
Zarnak nodded in agreement. “The chefs here are true artists. Each dish is a unique experience.”
As we finished our main course, the holographic waiter reappeared to clear our plates. “Are you ready for dessert?” it inquired.
I nodded eagerly, curiosity getting the better of me. “Bring on the Flavor Flux Fractals.”
Moments later, two small pedestals materialized on our table. Atop each sat a glittering, crystalline structure that pulsed with inner light.
“How do we...?” I started to ask, but Zarnak was already demonstrating.
He touched his tongue to one of the crystal’s facets, his eyes widening in surprise. “Fascinating,” he murmured. “It starts as something akin to your Earth strawberries, but then...”
I followed suit, gasping as the flavors evolved on my tongue. Sweet gave way to tart, then savory, then back again in a dizzying array of tastes.
“Oh wow,” I breathed. “That’s wild.”
We continued exploring the dessert, exchanging notes on the flavors we discovered. More than once, our hands brushed as we reached for the crystals, sending little sparks up my arm.
As the meal wound down, contentment settled over me.
“Thank you for suggesting this,” I said softly. “I had a wonderful time.”
Zarnak’s gaze met mine as the nebula above cast shifting colors across his features.
“As did I,” he rumbled. “Perhaps we could... do this again sometime?”
My heart soared. “I’d like that,” I said, unable to keep the smile from my face.
As we stood to leave, I was reluctant for the evening to end. The restaurant had emptied somewhat, the soft music now punctuated by the murmur of conversation from the few remaining patrons.
“Shall we take a walk?” Zarnak suggested. “I’ve heard of an observation deck nearby with an excellent view of the station’s orbit.”