But Cassidy beat me to it. Reaching above her head, she pulled the critter from between my horns. “I’ve got it!” she hissed, holding up the squirming furball triumphantly.
The creature let out a pathetic mewling sound, its huge eyes blinking at me pleadingly.
No such luck, critter.
“Nice work,” I rumbled, my voice coming out lower than I intended. Our faces really were disconcertingly close together...
Cassidy seemed to realize this at the same moment, a rosy flush spreading across her cheeks. “We, uh, we should probably get out of here,” she mumbled.
“Right. Yes, of course.” I tried to shift backwards, only to smack my horns against the low ceiling with a dull clang. “Ugh, damn it...”
Gritting my teeth, I awkwardly maneuvered my bulk around until I could start inching out from under the pallet. Cassidy followed, still clutching the pet protectively.
By the time we emerged, the wailing child had been joined by what I assumed were its frantic parents - a towering feathered Drean and its smaller mate. As soon as they spotted Cassidy, they swarmed over, beaks clicking in obvious relief.
“Narko! You found our little one!” the larger Draen, scooping the furry creature from Cassidy’s arms and cradling it protectively.
Its mate was fussing over the child, smoothing its feathers and making soothing noises. The little one sniffled.
“Thank you, thank you!” the parent gushed at us, feathers quivering. “We were so worried when Narko slipped its leash and ran off. It’s only a juvenile, you see, and gets confused so easily in the crowds...”
“Think nothing of it,” I rumbled, dusting myself off and trying to regain some semblance of dignity after my undignified scrambling. “Glad we could reunite you.”
The family dipped their wings in a strange bowing motion before scuttling off, the child waving a tiny farewell over its parent’s shoulder. Cassidy watched them go with a warm smile.
“You’re a natural with animals,” I found myself saying gruffly. “That’ll come in handy with this job.”
She turned that radiant smile on me, and for a moment I felt my hearts skip a beat. “Well, I do love all furry little critters,” she said lightly. “Even the ones that give me the runaround first.”
There was a mischievous glint in her eye that sent a jolt through me. Doanor, you hopeless fool...this human female is going to be the death of you.
I jerked my head towards the Koloss. “Cargo bay’s through here. I’ll show you around.” I dropped my voice to a whisper. “And later, I’ll take you to where the enclosure is set up.”
As I led the way up the ramp into the battered old freighter, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this routine job was shaping up to be anything but.
Itook a deep breath as Doanor led me through the sleek corridors of the Koloss, my mind whirling. This was definitely not what I had expected when Jacob offered me this pet-sitting job, but how could I turn down the chance to work with Lazamai? Those rare, enchanting creatures were the dream of every aspiring xenobiologist.
Even the pretense of dating the gruff, imposing Doanor didn’t seem so daunting. He radiated strength and competence, despite his perpetual scowl. Pretending to be his romantic companion for the sake of secrecy? I could handle that...probably.
We stopped in front of an unmarked door. Doanor pressed his palm against a panel.
“These are my quarters,” he rumbled, gesturing for me to enter as it slid open. He coughed. “Ours, for now.”
I stepped inside, and my jaw dropped. This wasn’t just a utilitarian sleeping chamber – it was a lavish suite.
The main room opened up into a spacious bedroom, dominated by an enormous bed covered in sumptuous fabrics. Soft amber lighting bathed the space in a warm glow. A large viewport offered a breathtaking view of the starry cosmos, punctuated by the occasional streaking ship.
Doanor watched me take it all in, his expression unreadable. “Through there is the study,” he said, nodding towards an open archway.
I wandered over and peeked inside. The study was even more impressive – a cozy nook lined with overflowing bookshelves and a sturdy desk facing another viewport. On the other wall screens flickered, reminding me that a ship’s captain worked here.
“And the refresher is through that door,” Doanor added, indicating another portal.
Curiosity piqued, I stepped into the cavernous bathroom. A separate glassed-in shower alcove shimmered.
Gleaming metal and polished stone surrounded an oversized sunken tub, big enough for at least three people.