“Do you really think this will work?”
I shrugged as much as I could while carrying the heavy, circuitry-covered rod.
“I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot. The code contained in this network node should include a security protocol to force the door open.”
“And we couldn’t just transfer the code out of the node into something easier to carry?”
I chuckled.
“Ignio had a similar suggestion when I explained the plan to him. However, the nodes are only meant to relay data to the next node in line, not provide files for download. It would take weeks or even months to figure a work around for that. Or, we can sweat a little and carry the node ourselves.”
“Well, you just have everything figured out, don’t you?” he griped.
“Far from it, but your suffering is at an end. We have arrived.”
We set the heavy node down beside the secured door. I used a wireless signal to connect the node to the door’s control panel. My heart beat faster when I saw that I had access.
“Yes, success! Now to tell the door to open.”
I hit the combination of keys to open the door. A dissonant screech greeted my attempt and the keys flashed on and off several times.
“What’s wrong?” Lo asked.
“I don’t know. Let me try again.”
I punched in the correct sequence, more carefully this time. Yet, I received the same result.
“Is it broken or something?”
“No. The motors which govern this door are working, there is power flowing, and I have access. Why is it not opening?”
Lo shrugged and mopped the sweat from his brow. Regular meals had put a considerable amount of meat on his bones. There were rumors he wanted to try for the Warrior caste, but he was also considered too old to begin the training.
I considered the door for a time, then consulted the readout display on the node. My eyes widened with sudden understanding.
“Aha. I get it now. The door won’t open because of a security protocol.”
“I thought the node gave you access?”
I nodded.
“It does give me access to the door controls. However, the door is shut because it thinks that there is empty space on this side. It’s a safety feature to avoid venting atmosphere, or people for that matter, into the vastness of space.”
“But we’re not in space.”
“I know that, and you know that, but the door’s sensors were damaged in the crash. It thinks that it’s still floating in open space, so the door won't open unless we repair the sensor circuits.”
Lo scratched his head.
“How are you going to do that? Aren’t most of the circuits inside the wall, where we can’t get to them?”
“Can’t get to them yet,” I corrected. “Ignio and I have been experimenting with a Untarium alloy saw blade that might be able to cut the emerald metal.”
“Did you bring one?”
“No, it’s in the experimental stages.”
Lo sighed.