“Very well.”
Lo led me to an open air stall where an alien stoked the fires of a wide grill. He laid strips of a dark red meat onto the grill, issuing a hissing cloud of delectable smoke. We watched as he sprinkled what looked like dried bits of moss and leaves onto the meat before stoking the fires a little more.
He turned and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw us.
“G-Gro…I had heard you were in the hospital.”
I shook my head, and looked down at Lo. It took him mere seconds to understand I wanted him to do the ordering.
The vendor almost fell over when I paid him. I counted out bits into his hand until Lo nodded that I had paid enough. As we sat down on rounded stone stools to enjoy our repast, I looked to Lo.
“Why was he acting so strangely when I paid him?”
“Oh, Gro usually doesn’t pay for his grilled satchna. He just comes up and grabs whatever he wants right off the grill and stuffs it in his mouth.”
“It sounds like Gro was an asshole.”
Lo laughed heartily, spewing bits of meat out of his mouth.
“Yes, he was. But just so we’re clear, I like you a lot better than the real Gro. You’re not going to get your memories back, are you?”
“The physicker said that is very unlikely.”
“Oh, good. In that case, Gro owed me some money.”
I laughed, and he sighed.
“I actually wasn’t kidding.”
Istopped before the tower of the Sages, giving Lo a dirty look.
“This is where the Sages dwell?”
The tower was obviously a thruster cone which had been toppled and broken during the crash. Their exterior bore rows of planted herbs and crops in flower boxes molded directly into the cone’s metal side. As I watched, a man in a brown robe pushed his way past a beaded curtain and onto the street. His eyes flicked over to me and widened in alarm.
“Well, Lo? Make the introductions.”
Lo stepped forward.
“Good morning, Ignio. I know you remember your old friend Lo. I’ve got great news for you today.”
“Great news?”
The apparent Ignio flicked his gaze between me and Lo.
“And what is this good news?”
“I have a prospective new member for the Sages. I thought you might want to shore up the numbers after what happened with the cultural exchange envoy you sent to Grhoma Jank.”
Ignio’s eyes widened, and his nostrils flared.
“You would bring that up to me, when his body is barely grown cold?”
“Whatever, Sages go, but they also come. I’ve got one right here who will probably be a lot sturdier than the last one.”