“You do not remember anything, do you? Most profound. Do you know where you were born?”


“Do you know when you were born?”

I shook my head.

“I see. Do you know your name, or the name of your parents?”

I sighed.

“It’s a blank slate. I’m sorry. I wish I could remember. It’s quite frustrating.”

The doctor nodded.

“I imagine that it is. The good news is that your body seems to be in outstanding shape. The Backlash didn’t harm you, not physically. Your mind, your memories…you may have to live with the fact that they will never return.”

I had to hide my elation.

Yes! This is the ideal circumstance. I can avoid wasting time on pointless therapies or suffering the expectations of those who want my memories to return…

I wonder if this alien has a family? A job? Do they have jobs? They seem almost tribal, primitive even, yet there’s evidence of high technology.

“I understand…I’m sorry, I do not know your name.”

“I am Physicker Floran. Your name, though I suppose it will have no meaning to you, is Gro.”

“Gro.” I repeated the word. Simple, monosyllabic. I felt like a fool. “Tell me, Physicker, what is my role in society?”

“Your role?” he blinked his eyes rapidly. “You are a warrior, bred and trained to defend our City-State from those who would do it harm.”

“A warrior?” I couldn’t hide my contempt.


He cleared his throat. I wondered how many mannerisms carried over between our species. Supposedly the Precursor theory explained such things. Normally I scoffed at the theory, but in my current situation I realized I could discount nothing.

“Gro, while I sympathize with the difficulty you must be having with your condition, I have to ask you to leave this hospital. You’re taking up room that could go to someone who I can truly help.”

I chuckled.

“I’m being discharged, then? Fair enough. I don’t suppose I have any clothing about, or is it my habit to walk around naked?”

The woman cringing near the door flinched. The doctor’s lips pulled back in a smile.

“It is not your habit, so far as I am aware. Your clothing was destroyed in the Backlash, but I believe your lifemate brought you some new garments. They are in the closet behind you.”

“Thank you.”

I went to the closet, finding the door to be a simple beaded curtain. Within, I found a stiff hide skirt designed to accommodate my tail, and a sleeveless shirt, both the same dark walnut brown hue.

It looked strange against my scarlet skin. I opened and closed my fists before bending over to check the floor of the closet.

“Are there any shoes, or boots or something?—”

Something clicked in my mind. Something that the Physicker said.

I stood bolt upright and rounded on Floran.