Page 4 of Marked

“That’s what I said. We are leaving.” With one hand around Romain’s shoulder, she pushed against the bodyguards, who wouldn't budge.

“Just a minute,” said Dad. “Monsieur Perrera, how much is exactly the debt Ms. Lefèbvre has created?”

Manuel didn’t hesitate. “Thirteen thousand euros and ninety-five cents,” he lied, making us all three chuckle. My eyes were still on Romain, who now looked deflated. His dark gaze stared at his feet, and he’d lost his earlier bravado as he let himself be manhandled by that worthless mother of his.

“Pay up, Blanche,” Dad said. “Or take the deal my son is proposing.”

Now that made Romain look up, mouth gaping before he finally managed, “The deal?” He blinked, the earlier glow of panic filled in those dark eyes slowly being replaced by a fierce glare that burned right at my face. With a hum I inhaled that anger, cradling it to my chest, from where more blood pumped south. This, whatever disaster was on the verge of unfolding, made my dick hard and impatient to play. I winked at him, and he glowered, fisting his hands. “I’m not a deal!” He snarled. “I came here to?—”

“You came here to make a deal, so that’s exactly what you are.” Manuel cut him off, his voice cool. He gave me one short, examining look. I don’t know what it is he saw, but he continued regardless, digging Romain’s grave further. “Unless you want to settle the bill here and now? No? Don’t have the money?” His smirk widened. “Then you stay.”

“Stay? No, this is…you can’t be serious.” The look in Romain’s eyes turned pleading. “Edouard, I’m sure we can work something out? We know each other from school, right? I can get more clients in, get you the money soon. I promise.” He shifted back to where his useless mom was no longer holding him. “Mom?”

But Blanche was looking at her feet. “We won’t have the money,” she mumbled.

“Of course we will,” Romain whispered, stubbornly. Deliciously. “I will find it.”

“And just exactly how many cars do you need to wash to be paid fourteen thousand euros?” I asked. Manuel snickered on my side. My veins warmed with pleasure, with excitement of what was to come.

“Son, remember how you always wanted to have a pet?” Dad asked me. His voice was quiet, though the words were loud enough for the others to hear. My cock felt sticky where the head pressed against my briefs, hot and so fucking hard. Romain froze, his eyes meeting mine once more. They were void of pride, void of anger. Instead, they were filled with aversion, fear and something else. Was it desire? He shook his head and dipped his gaze, ripping the moment away.

“You can’t be serious,” Blanche breathed.

“I think this is a very serious matter,” Dad said. “You have wasted a lot of money. Now, let’s get on with it, I’m a busy man.”

“I’m sorry, Romain.” She said. “Je suis désolée, mon coeur.” She nodded at the bodyguard, and he opened the door for her. That was it? She was just leaving him here, knowing that he was given to me? I couldn’t believe her utter failure as a mother. I couldn’t believe my fucking luck.

Still, Romain wasn’t ready to accept his fate. “No!” He shouted, lunging for her, for them, for anyone. He clawed and fought and swore, but he was no match for the trained fighters working for the Beaumonts. I watched the show as they beat him, then tied him up until he was brought to me like the innocent gift he was.

“Thank you,” I told them, ignoring the panting, hissing sounds of pain and defeat Romain made. He looked exhausted, beaten. “Take him to my room.”

It’s a hot summer night when we gather together for the Wicked Chase. How I’ve loved partaking in this concept, yet another twisted initiative from the most depraved brotherhood I’ve ever heard of.

I’ve been a good boy for most of the time during these hunts through the forest, aside from my own appetite to fuck and get sucked off. What can I say? I’m a healthy son of a bitch, and being close to Romain for the past year at this preppy college definitely wasn’t easy. To see him everywhere after he vanished from my life two years earlier, to hear his rumbling laughter, catch the twinkle in those dark eyes, find him chatting with his new mates? It took all my patience not to jump him, collar him, and bring him back to my den. Fucking Dad… I know why he did it, but that doesn’t make this less frustrating. Still, knowing myself, everything will be forgotten and forgiven once Romain is by my side once more, and my family knows. We’re too close to keep fighting for too long, our lives and love too intertwined.

Being a student for once was fun, but knowing the price was the ultimate reason why I was here. After I obtained the BAC, my high school diploma, at 18, I didn’t continue my studies, but joined Dad and the business, so I already have a few years in the workfield. Exchanging that for Saint-Laurent Boarding College for boys sure was interesting. Becoming a member of the fucked up, privileged brotherhood called the Alpha Fraternarii was a bit of a shocker, but turned out to be a good one, considering that I have more in common than I thought with this group of ultra-rich guys. We all love a good party, and though I don’t really get their fetish with masks, I am absolutely down for the cloaks and the sex. Lots and lots of it.

Romain knows I’m here. The first few times when we crossed paths in Monterrey Castle, he was too shocked to move. He’d just stand there, frozen to the ground, with those dark, heavily lashed eyes on me and his lips parted. He’d watch me in the canteen, where I sat in the middle with my bros, pretending I didn’t see him. Sometimes he’d wait for me, hidden in a corner, when I’d leave my dorm in the morning, only to follow me around for a while, thinking I didn’t notice, subconsciously falling back into his natural submissive nature without a blink.


Yes, he has grown more mature, his body stronger and fit from god knows what sport—he’s not on the football team, I would have known—less like the cute street rat he looked like when we were teenagers.

Halfway through the year he started putting up a fight too. He stopped following me and ignored me in the canteen, and I needed to check in with the dean to be sure that he wouldn’t drop out of school just because I had made my magical appearance. I mean, for him to be so close to obtaining that degree… it would have been a shame. I spoke of him with my newly found brothers of the Alpha Fraternarii, and they were surprisingly supportive for such a sadistic lot.

Still, it’s not enough. And while the Wicked Chase seemed the perfect outcome, after three times, my patience has now run out. Playtime is over. I want my man back.

And he knows it…Romain. He knows the type of man I am. Knows what I fucking need.

Control. Dominance. Sexual power.

The question is, does he realise it’s me who’s coming for him tonight? And has he decided to come out and play?

“Ready?” Silver Mask gives me a crooked smile while adjusting the hood tighter around his face. A single blond strand of hair escapes and he wipes it back with the roped knot he’s holding.

I smile in return, take a final drag from my cigarette, then flick it onto the ground, making sure to kill the remaining flame with the heel of my shoe. “Yeah. Let’s get this party started.”

From behind, a few more guys come walking through the shrubs, a tip of their head and a predatory grin the only greeting while we wait for it to begin. Butterflies flutter though my stomach. Tonight’s chase is the climax of my school year at Saint-Laurent.