Page 30 of Marked

“I’ve never…” Oh… judging by his grin, my cheeks must heat profusely. A wave of embarrassment hits me.

“I know, amour.” Edouard dribbles some more spit onto my weeping cock and I buck my hips, grunting, ready to beg him for release. He smiles, teasing me, leaning in and brushing his lips over mine. “But I’d love to watch you,” he whispers against my mouth. “Just like my friend here. Will you let us watch when you’re with him?”

“Please,” I whine, bucking my hips for more friction.

He squeezes my dick. “Tell me.”

“Yes.” It comes out in a whisper, relief flooding through me when Edouard smiles. “I’ll let you watch.”

“Good boy.” His grip tightens, and he looks up, grinning at Alexandre, who approaches from behind me, Olivier by his side.

The old man booms his cane and the piano picks up, followed by the gong. I watch as a group of red cloaks enters the room, their hoods obscuring their heads, white masks covering their faces.

“Brothers,” Elder Jacques claps his hand. “We welcome Romain Lefèbre into the Alpha Fraternarii.” People clap, and I writhe in my restraints when Olivier leans forward, his nape held by Alexandre, and softly covers his lips with mine. With Edouard’s mouth lapping at the mark he carved into my chest and his strong hand wrapped around my dick, I moan into Olivier’s mouth. My eyes roll back, toes curling with pleasure, and then I come, my orgasm rippling through my entire system like a storm. I hear him grunting against my heart, his guttural growl causing a vibration that settles inside my chest.

Home. It hums. Home.



“Thank you,” I whisper at Olivier, who brushes a lock of hair from my sweating forehead. He smiles sweetly at me, his green eyes radiating with an innocence that doesn’t match his actions.

“Anytime.” He drops a peck on my lips, then grins when Alexandre pulls him back up and grazes a hand around his neck so he can smash their mouths together, his dark, feline eyes on me.

Hands unwrap the cuffs around my limbs, and then Edouard lifts me out of the swing and guides me back onto my feet. Around us, brothers of the brotherhood are celebrating. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. With bulging eyes I take it all in. Red cloaks are everywhere. On their knees, bent over chairs, draped on the floor as they participate in hot love-making. The thick, earthy incense is so strong that I can’t see entirely through the room, although I don’t think I need to. It’s the same, everywhere. Except for that secluded space, in the corner, where Dominique Devallée is playing the piano, and the flutter of melodrama finds my ears, inviting fluttering memories of my life before Saint-Laurent.

Suddenly my legs feel wobbly. Suddenly, as I gaze around the room, I feel like I’m not here. Like that wasn’t me who was here in the first place, running around Monterrey forest at night, hiding from a group of rich, college kids dressed up in cloaks and obscured with Venetian masks.

“Come.” Edouard places a cloak over my shoulders. “Let them continue the party. I’ve got another surprise for you.” His digits slide down my chest, closing the black velvet tight in front of me. When I catch sight of his boxer briefs and tank top, I shudder. He’s given me his.

“I hope I don’t have to run anymore,” I joke.

Edouard gives me a funny smile. “No more running for you, mon chat.” The collar feels heavy and cool around my neck, and he has fastened it before I realize what he’s done. “Come, my darling, crawl with me.”

My heart rattles in my ribcage, and I blink, embarrassment making my mood plummet. But before I can open my mouth to object, he pushes me down and onto my knees, smiling. Then he pulls on the leash, and I can barely catch my balance with the palms of my hands and my knees. “Come, mon chat. I’m taking you to the roof.”

Crawling by his side feels overwhelming. I lick my lips, trying to fight the staggering swarm of butterflies that occupy the pit of my stomach. I crave it. So badly that it has always terrified me. But the way my hands and knees carry my weight, the way my neck is chained with gold and ownership, takes my breath away. Edouard may be aloof and distant to the outside world, but he treats me like a prized lover, close to his heart.

He’s merciless and lets me crawl up the stairs, using sweet words of encouragement when I start panting from the effort. My chest expands with pride. When we finally reach the deserted third floor of Monterrey Castle, he guides us to a small, wooden door. It opens on a tired creak, and when darkness greets us, I balk, refusing to crawl any further.

“Romain.” Edouard pulls on the leash.

I dig my heels in the blood-red velvet and shake my head. “I’m scared.”

“Come here, amour.” He guides me on two feet and pulls the leash close. It glimmers in the dim light. “Fuck, how I missed this,” he mutters, eyeing the jewel. Tracing the material with his ringed fingers, he pulls me in close, then laps at my exposed neck, letting the tip of his tongue up to the corner of my mouth. “Missed my kitten. So much. Now come, come and see what I’ve got for you.”

I shiver, but can't help but follow him further inside, only a little surprised to find that it’s not a room, like the one we were in before. No, this corridor leads to another door, one that clearly leads outside, judging by its firmness and iron locks. And then it swings open and outside we are. It takes me only a second to register that I’m back on all fours, guided forward and onto the roof terrace.

“This is…” My head spins around, impatient to take everything in. Behind us skyrise the two pinnacles of Monterrey Castle, adorned by the countless rows of evergreens and oak trees. It’s breathtaking. “I’ve never been up here,” I gasp. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Come here, pet.” Edouard walks us further, passing parts of the castle walls until we reach the turret that indicates the corner of this side. In his hand he carries the golden thong, and the equally golden harness I used to wear. “Let’s get you dressed.” Sliding off the cloak from my shoulders, he taps my leg and I lift it, allowing him to put the thong on. “Hmm. Perfection.” The golden harness closes snugly around my chest, the inside material soft against my overheated skin. It feels so good that I could cry. Edouard places himself behind me, his hot breath on my nape when he dots plentiful kisses on my throat and shoulders. His hands trace the shape of the golden material that curves my waist while he murmurs in my ear.

“Look up.”

I do, breath catching in my throat. “There are so many of them,” I gasp. Stars. Everywhere, littering the sky with countless golden spots. “Did you know that there are over nine thousand stars visible to the naked eye?”

Edouard chuckles, the raspy sound causing goosebumps. “I didn’t. How I missed this. Turn around.” He spins me before I can object, and the knife returns into my hand before I realize what’s happening. “Continue. Tell me another one of those facts that live rent-free in your mind.” He slides down to his knees and uses his own knife to shred the black material from his tank top.