Page 27 of Marked

Gazing at him from the side, I enjoy how his chest and stomach show traces of running blood that dip down to his half exposed, and still very erect, cock. He looks edible like this, and I plan on tasting every single inch of him very soon.

“I wasn’t ready.” We halt in front of the corridor toward the South Wing and I gesture for him to follow. Licking my golden tooth, I grab his chin with my ringed fingers, press them until he winces and looks up at me with those beautiful, blue eyes, then nods. “But now I am.”

“Have you ever considered that I might not want this? Want you?” His chest is heaving, and his lips, lush, and wet, tremble.

“No.” He clenches his fists and clenches his jaw at my reply, shaking his head as if he needs to jolt himself out of this moment. “Stop fighting it, mon chat. Stop fighting me.”

Finally he breathes in deeply through his nose and pats my fingers away. We resume our walk.

“What was that other reason?” He asks.

Inwardly fistbumping myself for winning this round, I try to sound aloof. “This secret brotherhood. We do a lot of business with them?—”

“Business?” Romain turns, frowning. “What sort of business?”

I shrug. “You know what it’s like. I have now officially taken over from Dad. He has retired.”

“Retired? The Dictator?” He catches himself, presses a hand in front of his mouth and watches me with large eyes. “I mean?—”

Tilting my head back, I let out a bark of laughter. “I know what you mean. Don’t you think I know what people call him on the streets? It makes me think of what cute nicknames people will find for me.”

“Tormentor,” he mutters without a doubt. We both chuckle at that, and the moment somehow clears the air and fills it with precious recollections. A game of push and pull. A mutual desire and friendship.

Romain is the first one to turn away. “Tell me about this secret brotherhood.” We continue walking. Soft piano sounds reverberate through the castle, welcoming us back to the party. To Romain’s Initiation.

“The Alpha Fraternarii were found as a result of the French Revolution.”

“French Revolution?” He pauses. “That’s like, ages ago.”

“Yup. Rich families came here because their houses were burnt in Paris. They were given shelter and created their new existence here along with the brotherhood. Even today, only the privileged can join, invitations solely transmitted through fathers to their sons.”

“What does that have to do with me? My father left Maman as soon as he heard she was pregnant.” That’s more than he’s ever shared about that man, but I’ll let it pass for now.

“When you were summoned by those strangers a few weeks ago, did they tell you that you’d been chosen?”

This time, Romain stops. Confusion is written all over his face, and for the slightest of seconds I feel for him. How could he have not seen this coming? How could he have not seen me coming?

“Yes, but…” He stops himself and brushes a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think it, I mean…I guess I thought it was a prank.”

He’s lying. And then I realize he knew. Deep down, he knew. But he didn’t have the courage to believe it.

“A prank? Oh no, the Alpha Fraternarii does many things, but I can promise you they’re all done in earnest. See those people there?” We’ve reached the open door to the party. Romain flicks his gaze toward the red cloaks who are lined up against the wall.


“They are here for tonight’s entertainment.”

He turns back my way. “Entertainment?”

“Hmm. For tonight’s Initiations.”

“Initiations?” Trepidation flicks in his blue eyes, making them turn a shade darker. A navy blue ring around blown pupils. Gone is the earlier lightness in the air. He licks his lips slowly and eyes the room once more, where all our brothers are now united. “Whose?” He finally asks, his voice barely a whisper. He knows the answer, needs to rebel, to be assured. I’m suddenly very aware of my throbbing cock. Of the play I want to finish.


Les tiennes. Les tiennes. Les tiennes.

“I know you want it, mon chat. I’ll let you mark me too, pet, don’t worry. I’ll let you use your sharp knife on my skin, while I’ve got the rest of your body cuffed in gold.”