Page 21 of Marked

“Monsieur Montague,” the Elder says. “has just entered the building through the front door. He shouldn’t have seen anyone, but?—”

“I’ll go.” Not a question. A tall frame huddled under blackness, disguised by a plain, white mask. I recognize him immediately. The Elder just nods. “Now, the good news is that our participants have both entered the castle. Although I’m afraid they’re running around like terrified madmen.”

Someone chuckles at that, the sound followed by more muffled taunts. I find my own lips curl up as well, the movement led by desire and impatience and the carnal need to have Romain back where he belongs.

The Elder roams his gaze lazily over us, until he ends up staring at the wall. There, in red cloaks, is presented the entertainment for tonight. From experience, I know that they are exquisite. When I feel his gaze on me, I take a final drag from my cigarette, then casually flick it into the fireplace, before giving him what he hates most. My unfurling smile, unhurried in its disrespect.

I am bigger than you, it says. And that’s true. He might be born privileged and rule the world, but I was born a Beaumont, and we climbed up to own the entire, fucking underworld.

“I’ll go and fetch him,” I say. Not a hair on my head considering leaving Romain alone and afraid when a teacher can bump into him anytime, regardless of my man hunting for him, or my fellow brother taking care of the uninvited guest. My brothers watch me leave, smirking and chuckling in approval. That’s right, assholes. I’m going to bring my love right here and claim him right in front of you all.

Once I leave the room, I check my phone. There’s a message from Alexandre. He and the other boys have headed back inside the castle, his boy ready to taste his forbidden fruit. What can I say, I’m a generous man when I want to be.



Six months after I bought Romain, he started sleeping in my bed. Still collared, because I fucking loved that gold on him, although he now had enough space to head for the bathroom by himself. His grades were improving, and I paid his drunken mom enough to shut her up and keep her out of his life.

He complained about that fact, yes. But I started to learn more about my sweet, submissive pet. I learned that he needed the objections, needed to show himself that he didn’t agree, as if he somehow needed that proof. I didn’t mind. I never minded being the villain, as long as I’d have him right onto his knees for me.

Because there was no way he was going back to Blanche. She had failed him as a mother, and that kind of failure could not be excused.

Romain didn’t speak of his dad, like he’d never existed. Maybe he never had for him. I didn’t insist. He asked me about my relationship with my parents, with my sister, uncles and aunts. Told me he was jealous. I told him I was jealous of the way he fiercely loved his planets and stars. He smiled at that, a tender, secretive smile that kept me out of his true emotions. I was the one who was jealous.

Although we weren’t together during school hours, my friends knew of him. They’d come over to hang in my room, and watch as I’d let Romain slide between my thighs and suck my cock while we played video games. He’d shower with me, draped on the floor, licking at my rim while I washed myself. I’d feel his hum engraving on my skin when I finally turned around and let him lap at my sensitive slit, and I’d watch as he gently sucked my cock all the way in and drank my release.

Romain turned eighteen that spring. Every morning, Manuel would bring us to school, every afternoon he’d bring us back home.


My black heart loved having him in my home. Tied on a leash, his body mine to play with, his mouth wrapped around my cock. Always, always, I could never get enough of him. I knew it then, and of course…of fucking course, that’s when things started to shift.

First there was Dad and his formation corporel, as he called it.

“I want to retire from the business,” he announced one day during dinner. All eyes went from him straight to me. “And I need you to take over, Edouard.”

So my training started. And as the words implied, it was pretty physical. Manuel had been practising with me ever since I had turned sixteen, but this was nothing like my usual jog and fixed set of exercises. This was fucking brutal.

I loved it. We’d go for runs, increase the work-out and even better, Manuel introduced me to the world of kick-boxing. He brought two of his lackeys into the game, Seb and Karim, and they’d spent hours and hours with me during the day, until I was left a panting mess. I’d crawl back to my room, take a hot shower with my pet already waiting on his knees, only to have his velvety mouth wrapped around my weeping cock in no time.

After that I’d go downstairs to discuss business topics with Dad. He’d explain various situations and ask for my opinion, for my reasoning. Then, by the time we’d finished dinner, I’d go upstairs, feed Romain and take him to my bed, where I’d brush his hair and listen to him talk about his day. Where I’d stroke his cock, excruciatingly slowly, while he spoke of his homework, listened to his thoughts, until he’d beg me for release. He always had so many.

So many questions, I wished I could answer all of them.

So many doubts, I wished I could kiss them away.

I couldn’t. But fuck me, did I love my life.

And then, right when I thought it would always stay this way, Dad pulled the rug from under my feet.

The corridor is eerily quiet. With each step, the beating of my heart grows fiercer. This is the hunt. I inhale deeply through my nose. The true meaning of the hunt. To know that we’re all here, cornering him further with every step, to know where I’ll take him. Romain is close, I can feel it, like a gentle hum through my veins. He’s close, and he’s afraid, a most enticing fusion. I lick my golden tooth and feel the metal in my hand, where the knife lies warm and tight in my palm. My limbs throb with need. Need to hunt him, need to wrap my hand around his slender neck and feel the bobbing of his Adam’s apple, need to carve him with my knife and brand him for the rest of my life. One mark is not enough. I need more. I need us to know, need the world to know.

That he is mine.

And god knows I’ve been a patient man. Though I know why, can understand why things were done the way they were, can even see the consequences of those decisions, now, two years later, Dad made a mistake setting Romain free. He thought that he’d help my pet by letting him go, but he only made the ache worse. I know it, have seen it in Romain’s eyes. The crave for being owned. For being restrained. For being worshipped.

I want that. I want to do it all. I have missed the way he licks and nibbles my skin when I talk about my day, and the way he muses about his thoughts when he’s snuggled against my chest.