Stryder chuckles nervously as he folds his fingers around my hands. “I, too, would like to forget all about it. You’re all that matters to me now.” He kisses the top of my hand and then looks into my eyes. “Now, will you tell me what’s wrong?”
I shrug diffidently, my mind still hanging on his words. For some reason, they move me more than they should. I don’t even know where that bout of feistiness came from.
“I’m late,” I say matter-of-factly. “My period is late.”
I watch as realization dawns on Stryder, his eyes turning to pools of joy. “Does that mean…?”
“Yes,” I nod, my lips lifting into a smile. “I think I’m pregnant.”
As soon as the last word leaves my lips, Stryder swiftly pulls me into his arms and spins me around in cheer. When he settles me back on my feet, he cradles my face with love sparkling in his eyes.
“I had no idea how happy this news would make me, but I am the happiest dragon shifter alive.”
“We’ll have to take tests and confirm this first, Stryder.”
He shakes his head, his lips retaining his smile. “Whether you’re pregnant or not doesn’t change how I feel, Olivia. You, my baby doll, make me the happiest already. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us.”
“What about my mood swings?” I muse with a giggle.
Stryder chuckles, leaning in to kiss me chastely on the lips. “I’ll handle all your moods, baby doll.”
“Is that a promise?”
When he nods, my heart becomes full again. I never imagined that life could feel so complete and that I could be so happy.
“It’s a solemn oath,” he says as he pinches the skin of his neck again to show me that he’s being truthful. When I giggle, he captures my lips again, carrying me out of the bathroom to the promised land of his extraordinary passion.
Epilogue - Stryder
Three Months Later
“The accounts of the criminals are not credible enough, of course,” Father informs us as we gather in the boardroom for a Council meeting. “They’ve been sent for mental evaluation, instead. They’re considered insane.”
The room full of Council members and Vulkan brothers bursts into lighthearted laughter. We’d been watching the events of the arms dealer’s bust very closely, especially since my face had been plastered all over the news in the mortal world thanks to police sketches. My “punishment” was having to remain on the island, and I hadn’t been allowed to travel the mortal world until the news subsided.
The Council has no idea how grateful I am for their form of punishment. It’s not like I had any plans to leave ever since I brought Olivia back.
When we confirmed she was pregnant, it was only more reason for me not to leave the island at all costs. It’s not like I’ve missed much of the outside world.
I have everything I need right here.
“It will come as a shock to them when we do decide to reveal our identity to the humans,” Felix comments.
“Of course,” Draco agrees. “But by then, those criminals will be long forgotten. Already, the news has turned to something different.”
“Does that mean it’s safe to travel to the mortal world again?” Stryker perks up.
Because of me, my twin brother hasn’t been able to visit the mortal world, either. He hasn’t yet received word about his mate from the Cube, but he hasn’t been able to enjoy the rest of his singlehood either.
“Yes,” our father tells Stryker. “That’s why we’ve called you here. Since you are allowed to travel again, it’s time you learned who your mate will be.”
Stryker nods, though he doesn’t appear as eager as I thought he’d be. I brushed off my suspicions, owing to the fact that he’s been cooped up on the island with nothing to do while I focused all my attention on my growing family.
The process goes along as Stryker’s mate is revealed to him. He takes her photograph but barely glances at it while the meeting is adjourned and everyone disperses.
I stick around to check up on him, knowing he’s probably felt neglected while I had things to occupy my time. When we’re alone in the boardroom, I ask Stryker if he’s okay.