Page 78 of Loving the Liar

Her eyes drop to my hand, and she takes a step closer when she sees the signet ring on my finger.

“We’re on the same side, Chris. My uncle, he’s trying to find me someone I could date so I can get initiated next year.”

Her anxious chatter is annoying, but I let her have it. I understand her fear. I, too, get extremely anxious when I think of losing something I love. Like Ella, for example.

“We’re not on the same side, Maria. See, my side always wins. And I have no idea whatever initiation you’re talking about.”

She grabs me by my shirt, trying to pull me to her but only managing to bring herself closer instead. “I know some men in the Circle. I could ask for a favor?”

I shrug her off calmly. “Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about. But if I did know, I would advise you to keep your mouth shut. Knowledge is power, and that is probably why those men you talk about keep people like you ignorant.”

Tears run down her face as she looks up at me. “Please…I don’t…I don’t want to be expelled.”

“It’s too late for that. You’ll get an email and an appointment with the dean before end of day tomorrow.”

I don’t enjoy her sobs as I walk back to my car, but she should have been careful who she hurt with her actions. Who knows, maybe after a while, people will get the hint. Stay away from Ella Baker. Don’t hurt her. Don’t upset her. Don’t make her feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form.

If there isn’t a smile on her face, I want to know why. If there’s a tear on her cheek, I want to know who. And if there’s a name tattooed on her heart, it has to be mine.

All I want right now is to touch Ella, make her feel how much she belongs to me.

One day, she’ll learn everything I did for her to end up in my arms. The good, the bad. She’ll see the regret I had to live with after I ended things with her. Mainly, she’ll understand there isn’t any other ending to her story than the one where I’m her happily ever after.

Even if she disagrees.

My house is full of way too many people I don’t know when I arrive. With my mom away for work, Juliette went to sleep at a friend’s house. There was absolutely no way I was going to celebrate my birthday at the house I share with Megan. That place haunts me with the person she really is behind closed doors. I can’t stand being there. So, my best friends insisted on organizing me a party in my family home.

I should have known not to trust my them for a small party.

“Here he is!” a hoarse voice shouts over the music as I cross the door. “The birthday boy.”

Jake takes me in a hug, shoving a tumbler of whiskey in my hand. “You missed the champagne.”

Luke is right after him, giving me another tumbler. “Drink, brother.”

“The last time we got too drunk on whiskey, we all woke up with a wonky tattoo.”

“Hey, don’t criticize my tattooing skills.” The last voice belongs to Rose.

I’ve been seeing a lot more of her than the others since we’re both assistants to Reeves.

“You three want to get me drunk when you’re already fucked,” I scold playfully. “Who’s going to take care of you?”

They pause for a second, looking at each other. “It’s fine,” Luke slurs. “We’re fine.”

I roll my eyes, down a glass of whiskey, and take one sip of the other one. “I’ll watch what I drink.”

“No,” Jake groans. “Please, don’t be a dad tonight. We just want you to relax.”

“You’ve been so fucking tense lately,” Rose adds. “He’s been so fucking tense,” she repeats to our friends.

“Probably because his psycho of a girlfriend doesn’t let him take two steps in any direction without asking where he’s going,” Luke chuckles.

“Who with?” Rose insists. “How long? What’s their social security number?”

They all burst out laughing, and I struggle to join them. If only it was funny.

“Where is she, by the way?” I ask, glancing past them and at the crowd of people dancing in my living room.