Since it’s not an open question, I nod again.
“And you were not forced to drink Circe’s poison, were you?”
I shake my head.
“You entered the maze at your own will, you knew the rules, you let yourself get caught by a Shadow.”
When I hesitate for too long, Reeves is the one who talks. “She did.”
My lower lip trembles, the weight of the situation heavy on my shoulders. Only Chris’s hand is keeping me afloat.
“Then you are ours,” Duval concludes. “Your body belongs to the Circle, and there is no way out. If you received an invitation, it’s because the board knew you were aware of the rules.”
He huffs, giving me what I’m sure he aims to be a reassuring grin, but that makes me want to crawl into a hole.
“I know your family’s situation, Ella. Your brother refused our offer to marry you to a Shadow countless times. But here you are of your own volition. You have a favor. I’ll hear it, grant it, and send you back to the initiations. From then on, you’ll follow the rules or be punished.”
Unable to take any more of this, I climb to my feet, pointing an accusing finger at him.
“Your society killed my dad,” I hiss. “Just because he had become a threat. And now you expect my family to get on their knees and beg you for a favor when you put us in this situation in the first place. After what you did to my mom? You’re disgusting.”
His eyebrows raise, a surprise I hadn’t expected settling on his face.
“You seem to be mistaken. The Circle didn’t kill Gerald Baker. He was a beloved board member. A friend. As for your mother, she came willingly. We never promised anything in return.” His smile is chilling, making my stomach churn.
“Oh, please. The second you saw the police had gone to my father’s house, that they were going to arrest him for the parties, you decided to act. Dad was unable to keep your filthy parties a secret, and you eliminated him. Let him take the fall.”
Legs trembling, I turn around, walking in a circle, unable to believe that I’ve fallen low enough to defend my asshole of a father.
“Ella.” Duval’s stern voice makes me freeze, and I turn to him. “The Shadow who betrayed your father was removed from the Circle and punished accordingly. His death had nothing to do with us. It was an unfortunate suicide that means his debt went to your family, but we didn’t kill him.”
And somehow, in the seriousness of his tone, I hear the truth. Because he has no scruple admitting he abused my mother just for the sake of it.
The Silent Circle didn’t kill my father.
But I know. I know deep down that he didn’t kill himself.
“Cut this short, Ella. Get on your knees, beg us for your favor, and the three of us can go back to the initiations.”
Chris slowly stands up too. He walks to me until he’s right behind me and can talk in my ear.
“Do it, Sweets.” He kisses the side of my neck, sliding a hand underneath the V of my dress from behind me. Grabbing a handful of my breast, he pulls me closer to him. “Get on your knees and beg the Circle.”
Any image of my savior is shattered to pieces as he starts pinching my nipple. And any pride I held on to dissipates when I feel a zap of electricity traveling all the way to my clit.
“Help me,” I beg in a whisper.
“I am helping you. Now beg.”
He nudges the back of my knee with his own, and I fall to the floor.
Looking up at Duval with eyes full of tears, I give up on my freedom and ask for exactly what I came for.
“Please,” I rasp. “Will you settle my family’s debt?”
“Of course I will, sweet Ella,” he chuckles. “I’ll gather the richest Shadows and take care of the bankruptcy. We will buy the company, take over, and pay back the men who invested. Consider it done.”
That’s it? All of this for him to talk about it like it’s as easy as getting some money out at an ATM.