I don’t think Livie actually said anything. But I’m wondering if these twins communicate telepathically.
Nate throws the tiara in the pile, grabs Celia’s hand, and walks to me.
“You wanted the lesson,” I say. “You got the lesson.”
Olivia jumps in his open arm, and he narrows his eyes at me. “We’ll see you next week.”
His face doesn’t portray his words, but his real thoughts will just have to stay a mystery.
Everyone leaves, Achilles making sure to tell me how much he hated the whole hour, and before I know, it’s just Chris and me.
He approaches me slowly, probably assuming I’m still mad at him. When he’s finally right in front of me, and I’m craning my neck to look up into his eyes, he puts a hand on my cheek.
“I’m sorry that I ruin everything,” he says quietly. Digging his eyes into mine, I watch waves of truth swirling in the whiskey color. “You are so beautiful when you dance, Ella. You’re yourself, not that fake image you try to portray to everyone. Anyone watching you dance can read your pain and your happiness. I never wanted to put that in jeopardy.”
I take a trembling breath. “You fixed it,” I croak. “Thank you for bringing everyone here. I wouldn’t have been able to give those two little girls the lesson they wanted if not for you.”
“I’ll keep fixing everything, believe me. And if I have to drag eight adults to this lesson every Saturday I will. I’ll get Mom and Juliette on it too.”
I can’t help but giggle and his hand turns into a hold on my jaw.
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
It’s always strange when he announces what he’s about to do, but I know it’s to give me a chance to pull away. Some things he can’t stand taking. He needs me to give them willingly.
And I do. Purely because I want to so badly.
When his lips touch mine, I let my stomach do cartwheels. I accept the feelings that burn through my veins and open my mouth to welcome him. The way he strokes my tongue is sensually possessive, and I hear myself sigh into his mouth. He takes his time, his hand grabbing my ass to pull me up on my toes.
It’s gripping, ravenous, entrancing.
It’s everything I love about this man.
This is going to lead nowhere, isn’t it? One of us will get hurt. We’re going to get found out.
It’s going to be a terrible, tragic ending.
But do I stop kissing him? Do I push him away as his tongue strokes mine and our hearts beat in unison?
Absolutely not.
Chapter Thirty
Old Money - Lana Del Rey
He had to leave.
We were kissing, and he pushed me against the mirror. He slid his hand under my chiffon skirt and pulled my tights down. And when he pushed two fingers inside me, his phone rang. It was the hospital.
And now here I am, hours later, standing at the reception with flowers in my hand because Thomas Murray’s state has deteriorated. I’m an idiot for doing this. I didn’t follow him when he left, but I’m here to check up on him. I’m an idiot for so many reasons.
What if Chris wants to be alone with his family? What if Megan is here?
Being here shows I care on a whole new level. Mainly, it shows Chris has made progress in getting me back. I hate that…but it’s also the truth.
“Family only,” the receptionist tells me. “Are you family?”