As if coming out of a dream, Olivia perks up, jumping out of Nate’s arms and running to her sister.
“Erm,” I hesitate, looking around us. God, I’m terrified. This man has a reputation. And it’s not a good one. “The girls can keep the tiaras if they want, but as you can see, the class isn’t happening today.”
He cocks an eyebrow at me, straightening up, and I take a step back out of pure survival.
“Why?” he asks blankly.
I take a trembling breath, twisting my hands together in front of me. “I don’t have enough students.” Only half a lie. He doesn’t need to know why I don’t have enough. “The studio is in demand, and it can only be given for classes if there are at least ten students, and…well, right now, I have two.”
His brow furrows as if he can’t comprehend why I have to respect the rules.
“Listen. Olivia has very specific tastes. She only does what she wants.”
I glance at the two little girls. Olivia is quietly putting a tiara on her head, while her eccentric sister has now added three on top of each other.
“She has been wanting to learn ballet, but she throws a fit every time we enter a studio. Do you have any idea how many times I had to redo her bun this morning? If there’s one thing out of place, she breaks down. And look at her here. Not throwing a fit.”
“I understand?—”
“And Celia…I just need someone to drain her of her energy.”
“Look, I understand. Believe me, I want nothing but to teach your little girls ballet. But someone from the administration office is going to walk in here within the next fifteen minutes to check that I’m following the rules, and that the studio is used for a purpose. With two students, they’re going to kick us out and put whoever is on the waitlist in here instead of us.”
I could die on the spot as his eyes narrow into slits. “Where are the other kids?”
“They didn’t come,” I whisper.
“And why is that?”
I close my eyes, taking a deep breath, and gather all the courage I can muster. At least after I tell the truth, he’ll leave. He won’t want to leave his daughters with me.
“The parents think I’m a threat to their kids,” I admit in one breath.
“A threat?” he chuckles mockingly. “You look like a tiny barbie. What kind of threat could you possibly pose to children? I’m pretty sure they’re dangerous to you.”
I guess he’s not wrong.
“It’s a long story,” I say. “But the short version is that I can’t teach your girls. I’m sorry. The class isn’t happening.” When I extend my hand toward the door, he doesn’t move.
I eye the girls as he takes a slow step closer to me. He’s not going to hurt me in front of them, is he?
“Ella. I want you to understand one thing. If my girls don’t get this dance lesson for the promised one hour, the only threat in this room will be me.”
The door to the studio slams open and another woman I don’t know enters with a bright smile on her face. She has half blonde and half black hair, and she’s looking around like she’s in some sort of museum.
“This place is better than Hogwarts!” she exclaims excitedly.
My heart is beating harshly against my chest, my eyes going back to the man who decided to bully me into giving a dance lesson to his daughters.
“You look scared,” she says. “She looks scared,” she then tells Nate. “Did you threaten the dance teacher?” Then back at me, she softens her voice. “Did he hurt you?”
I shake my head, then talk back to Nate. “Is she your daughter, too?”
“Her?” he chokes. “She’s a parasite.”
The new incomer bursts into a laugh, the thick chains around her neck shaking with her chest. “Oh my god, this is too funny. No. Hi, I’m Nyx. I asked to tag along because visiting Silver Falls University was basically one of my dreams. What a place.”
“Right.” I nod. “Erm, well, I have to go. I do apologize.”