Page 42 of Escaping the Bratva


After V leaves, I try to go back to sleep, but I’m not that lucky. My mind is running wild with possible scenarios. V has explained very little to me about what’s actually going on, but I know we’re in danger. A small voice in my head reminds me of all the reasons I broke up with V, but everything is different now. I’m not a scared college student. I’ve built a business from the ground up and have worked my ass off for everything I want in life, and right now, I want V. Something like this is not going to stand in my way of getting me exactly what I want.

I have to put my trust in the promise that he’ll get this all straightened out. Teddy’s head perks up as my stomach rumbles and I laugh.

“Alright, let's get a snack.”

Teddy tilts his head before following me off the bed and down the steps to the kitchen. My bare feet are cold against the hardwood floors, but I don’t bother finding shoes to put on. I open the fridge and grab one of the extra hamburger patties before putting it in the microwave. I make a mental note to book a Pilates class to work off the junk food. I scroll through my phone, checking my work email, when the sound of Teddy growling brings me back to the present. V is back already? I set the phone down on the counter and walk to where Teddy is standing at the foyer with his teeth bared.

“Calm down,” I tell him. I go to the front door and push back the curtain. I don’t have time to register what’s happening when the door is kicked in, cracking against my skull. I fall to the floor as alarms sound all around me. My ears ring and my vision is blurry as I try to scoot across the floor away from whatever is happening.

“There she is,” a gravelly voice says. I’m able to make out a large figure coming near me. What’s wrong with my eyes? Why can’t I see clearly? The sound of Teddy’s deep growl is followed by a slew of cursing from the man in front of me. I take the opportunity to get to my feet and run. My vision starts to clear as I run towards the back door. My heart pounds so fast, I feel like it's going to burst out of my chest. My ears are exploding with the splintering sound of the alarm. I manage to get the sliding door open and get one foot out the door when big hands grab me around the waist and lift me into the air. I kick and scream as I’m thrown over someone’s shoulder.

“Help! Help me!” My voice cracks as I use all my energy to project. One of the neighbors must have heard the commotion by now. The cops have to be coming soon. But the man that holds me doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest as he throws me into the back of a van. My body slams against the metal floor. I fight and slap at him as he takes a cloth from his pocket and forces it over my face. Then everything goes dark.