He broke off the kiss, breathing hard. “Hey, General, I’m pretty damn close to dragging you into the nearest alley and you know that’s not my thing.”

“It’s not?” Snow kissed him again. “I seem to remember differently. What’s wrong? Not cold and wet enough for you?”

Jude thought about that first night, the freezing rain, Snow’s unbelievable grief and how later, they’d had sex for the first time. His skin heated with the memory. Every time with Snow was good, but that first time had been a complete revelation because he’d never connected with anyone like that before in his life. It was like they’d imprinted on each other’s soul.

Shit. Maybe he’d had too much tequila…

“Let’s grab a cab so we can get home and naked,” he suggested, unable to stop touching Snow.

“Don’t need a cab. I borrowed Lucas’s driver for the night. I just called to let him know we were ready to leave.” Snow laughed, stepped back and withdrew his phone again, hitting a contact Jude was all too familiar with and he frowned, ready to tug Snow to the car pulling up to the curb himself.

“Hey Lucas, you know more about the hotels around here. Which ones have great, big Jacuzzi tubs in the rooms?” Snow never took his gaze off Jude as he listened. “Got it. Thanks.”

Before Jude could open his mouth, Snow was back on him, seemingly unaware that they still had an audience. Laughing, Jude shoved him off and yanked him toward the car. As they slid into the back seat of the luxurious Mercedes, Snow’s phone rang. He answered and listened, frowning.

“I was going to call myself. No, it’s not a special occasion and what the hell? Of course I didn’t propo—Lucas, stop.” He sighed. “Thanks, fucker, but you gotta stop with this bossy shit. I’ll pay you back.” He hung up while Lucas was still talking, shaking his head.

“The Cincinattian, but first go by this place.” Snow told the driver an address before he turned to Jude. “Feel like having an adventure?”

He’d wanted to go home, but he was drunk enough and intrigued enough to see what Snow had planned. “Between that hot-as-hell frot on the dance floor, the kiss, and the tequila flowing through my veins, I’m up for anything.”

“Good because Lucas booked us a suite with a whirlpool for two. I’d bitch about him overplaying his hand here, but he knows a lot of people and can more easily get us a better room on short notice.” Snow grabbed him and pulled him across the seat, close enough to bite his lip. “No arguing. This is the first weekend we’ve had in forever. Let’s do something fun.”

Jude shivered. Most of the time he liked calling the shots, but he loved this side of Snow. “I’m not saying a thing, General. So tell me what you plan to do to me in that Jacuzzi tub.”

“Spoilers. You’re going to have to wait and see.” Snow buried his nose in Jude’s neck. “But it’ll take a few minutes to get there, so hang on to something.” He then proceeded to push Jude down in the seat and kiss him until Jude forgot there was a driver a few feet away.###

After stopping at a liquor store and Snow’s favorite sex toy shop—where he made Jude stay in the car—Snow walked into the Cincinattian knowing it was obvious they were there to fuck. Jude’s lips were red and swollen, and he had a fiery mark on his neck under that sexy, short beard he’d grown. Snow’s shirt was wrinkled from Jude’s fists, and he was sure his mouth looked a lot worse considering he’d been the one putting the marks on Jude. All he did was smirk at the clerk.

“Shit, General,” Jude breathed when they were finally inside.

Snow couldn’t care less about the luxury of the room with its navy chairs, balcony view, and gold-accented furniture. He cared only that the bed looked soft…and sturdy…and that the room had a nice, big tub. Jude liked water. A lot. They should get a house with a pool—and never invite that one uncle of Jude’s, but if not, a nice big tub and shower had been a necessity they’d agreed upon.

He set the liquor down, pulled out the silicone lube he’d purchased from the store, and headed directly for the tub. He started the water and turned to narrow his eyes at Jude who had followed him into the bathroom. He tugged his shirt off over his head and walked back to the love of his life to tug his Henley off.

Jude eyed the lube he’d set down next to the tub. “Got the extra waterproof kind, eh? What else is in the bag?”

“You’ll see.” Snow pressed their chests together. He loved Jude’s hot skin and the silky black hair on his chest. He followed it down his abs and unsnapped the top of Jude’s jeans so he could keep his fingers on that happy trail. One or both of them was going to feel exactly what it was like to make love to someone without a barrier tonight. He didn’t really care who went first, he just wanted them naked and in that water for one hell of a foreplay session.