“Nah.” Shane laughed. “I was never cut out for numbers. I went into business with a guy doing private investigative work. I do most of the bookwork, but I take on jobs, too. Gets me out of the office and moving around.” He patted his belly. “I’m in better shape for it, too.”

“You’re a PI?” Jude shook his head. “Don’t know why I’m surprised. You were always a nosy fucker.”

“Got that right.” Shane picked up his other shot and knocked it back. “I’ll get the next round.” He looked at Snow.

His general hadn’t even bothered trying to talk over the music. He’d finished his shots, not bothering with the salt as usual and had just been following the conversation—probably by lip reading. He nodded at Shane, who left to get their drinks.

Snow’s gaze locked with his as he leaned close. “You have good taste.”

“It was never serious between us,” Jude reassured him even though it was obvious he didn’t need to.

“I can tell you’re good friends, though. We’ll have to invite him for dinner when we get our place.” He smirked. “And knowing you, the guy is trustworthy as hell. Rowe is always looking for good, honest PIs.”

“I doubt he’d want to work for Rowe. Shane was always more the boss type—it’s why I never expected him to last at that firm. He only became a CPA to take over his father’s business, but that crashed back in 2007.” He glanced over his shoulder to see Wonder Woman chatting up Shane and chuckled. The mustache really ruined the effect.

“Rowe hires outside of his own force often. Hell, we probably don’t want to know all that Rowe does.” Snow frowned and Jude knew the worry for Rowe that stayed near the forefront of his mind had taken precedence again.

Tugging him close, he placed his hand on the side of Snow’s neck and kissed him until he felt the tension leave his body. When he pulled back, there was nothing but heat in the gaze that met his as Shane returned to their table.

“Yeah, holy shit. I definitely see why you disappeared,” Shane yelled with a grin that made his goatee look all the more pointed.

One hour and four more shots later, Shane had been lured onto the dance floor by an obvious couple and Jude was realizing that tequila did something interesting to Snow. His stare had grown increasingly heated and always the king of wicked grins, the one Jude received right then threatened to set his body on fire. He was suddenly dragged out onto the dance floor and plastered to every inch of the front of Snow’s body. His hips rolled against Jude’s, keeping perfect time with the loud beat. It thumped so hard, he felt it in his chest and in Snow’s because despite the sinuous twisting of his body, he stayed smashed against him. The fucking hot roll of Snow’s lean hips took him on a ride and before he knew it, Jude was locked into that rhythm, his hands gripping Snow’s waist as they moved together much like they did when they had sex.

Bodies writhed around them and the smell of sweat and lust permeated the air in a heady, intoxicating mixture that warred with the loose haze of tequila. Strong surgeon’s hands gripped his biceps, then stroked up his shoulders to hold on to the back of his neck. Snow’s cock was hard as steel against him and it wasn’t the tequila making Jude ready to throw the man down on the floor and fuck him. He pulled back enough to look at Snow and the inferno of heat in the return stare he got had him gasping for air.

And Snow, wicked, wicked man that he was, knew exactly what he was doing to Jude. He upped the temperature by sliding his hands down to Jude’s ass, clutching him hard and close, grinding their bodies together so fiercely, Jude had to fight not to come in his jeans.

This was the first time they’d gone dancing and if this was the way Snow usually danced, no wonder Geoffrey followed him around like he was on a leash.

Jude kissed Snow, tasting the sweat that beaded over his upper lip before sliding his tongue into his mouth. He couldn’t hear the moan that Snow released, but he felt it vibrate on his tongue. He brought his hands up and gripped Snow’s head, deepening the kiss, not giving a shit that they were surrounded by people. Hell, the dance floor was so packed, they could probably fuck in here and nobody would know. Public displays weren’t normally his thing, but the tequila was making him forget that.

He pulled back. “You ready to get out of here?”

“Fuck, yes.”

Snow turned and waved good-bye to Shane, who sent them a knowing grin. As he waded through the crowd, one hand holding tight to Jude’s, Snow pulled out his cell phone and made a quick call. Jude couldn’t hear what he said, couldn’t figure out why he’d tried calling anyone with the noise, but once they got outside, he didn’t immediately pull Jude toward the line of taxis parked farther up the street. Instead, he ignored the people standing around the sidewalk and turned to grab Jude’s face. The kiss he laid on him tasted of tequila and lime and it went to Jude’s head fast. He faintly heard people around them clapping.