Jude bit Snow’s lower lip, then let it go and grinned. “After sex.”

Snow nodded. “And a nap. I’m fucking exhausted. Your mother is like a mini-tornado.”

“She likes you.”

“Yeah, well she hasn’t gotten to know me that well yet.”

“We’ll figure this out,” Jude murmured, kissing him again. “Come on. I was ready for the tours to be over at the last house. Don’t tell my mother.”

They walked back through the house, Snow’s heart feeling lighter. He appreciated the trouble Anna had gone through to help them, but this had been all wrong. They found her explaining the symbolism of the pink tank on her shirt—some kind of bullshit about having strength of character. Something tugged at his chest. She was really kind of adorable. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

Anna turned and held up her hand. She stared at each of them for long, uncomfortable moments before obvious relief softened her expression. She came up and patted Jude’s cheek, then his. “Finally! Are you boys ready to start communicating about what you both want now?” She rolled her eyes and headed for the front door. “I thought you’d never pull your heads out of your asses. Let’s eat!”Tequila AdventureHe had those damn jeans on again.

Jude watched Snow stride into the crowded club, wearing the same low-riding jeans he’d worn months ago—the night they’d first had sex. This time, his T-shirt was black and it fit tight, showing all those lean muscles Jude spent most of his free time tracing with his hands and tongue. Why had he suggested they go out again? Right then, with the loud beat pumping and Snow looking edible, Jude just wanted to take him home so they could christen another wall in his apartment.

They’d slowed down on the house hunting because their shifts had made getting personal time together hard, but they had this whole weekend. Jude grinned because he couldn’t wait to get it started. They’d decided to go out tonight and then not leave the bed for the next two days. Mostly to celebrate them receiving their blood tests back this week. Condom-free would be a first for them both. Jude couldn’t wait to feel his general wrapped around his dick with nothing between them.

He suddenly wished he hadn’t worn a long-sleeved shirt as he grew hot.

Snow spotted him, gaze zeroing in on his smile and the answering one that stretched across his handsome face sent butterflies into Jude’s stomach. Holy shit, tonight was going to be fun.


Startled, he turned at the loud voice to his right, his eyebrows going up in surprise to see his friend, Shane Stephens. Real pleasure filled him—he hadn’t seen Shane in nearly a year. He got up to meet the man’s enthusiastic hug.

“Wow, you look great!” he yelled over the music. “How have you been?” Jude leaned back and took in the new, black goatee on his friend’s face. He tugged on it. “Like the beard.”

“Same to you. I can’t believe how long it’s been!”

Shane pulled him in for a longer, tighter hug and over his shoulder, Jude caught Snow’s raised eyebrow as he still waded through the packed room. Jude winked at him, then pulled back to invite his friend to sit next to him. Shane settled on the high stool, his long legs bending as he propped cowboy boots onto a rung of the chair.

Like Snow, Shane wore jeans and a black T-shirt and it struck Jude how similar they were in body form as well. Both lengthy and broad-shouldered with sleek, toned muscles. Seemed he had a type. Shane didn’t have a strand of gray showing up in his thick, curly black hair, though. He was wearing it shorter than he used to—he looked great.

Snow made it to the table, stepped close so he could talk into Jude’s ear. “Sorry I’m late.” He kissed Jude’s jaw and pulled out the third stool. He nodded politely at Shane as the music abruptly changed to a slower, easier beat they could talk over.

The relief to Jude’s ears was instant. He knew Snow had frequented night clubs before him and had suggested this place, but he wished he’d picked a different one because since he’d arrived, the music had been at ear-splitting decibels. “Shane, this is my partner, Snow, this is a good friend of mine, Shane Stephens. We went to high school together.” Jude paused and flashed Shane an evil grin. “He was the one and only reason I ever got suspended. He caused a huge fight in the gym.”

“You mean the one time you got caught fighting. You got into fights a lot.”

“Jude did?” Snow rested his elbows on the table as he leaned in to hear more.

Jude rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well I managed to keep from fighting more than a lot of gay kids I knew back then, but they still happened.” He chuckled and pointed at Shane. “And I remember you having a big part of that particular fight.”