“No, they all aren’t like that.” Ian pointed. “That one is full of drinks and ingredients for the things I’d planned to cook. And no, there aren’t any hot dogs.” He brushed something off his arm. “There are some brats and metts, though.” His frown eased as he watched Rowe dig back into the cooler. “I know how much you love brats. I’d planned to cook them in onions, beer and butter—just like you love.” He frowned. “With that cowboy caviar. So don’t sneak any more food.”

An unmistakable and regrettable smell hit Snow’s nose. “Rowe, your bacon is burning,”

“Shit!” Rowe jogged back to the pan and started pulling out the blackened strips. He bit his lip.

“I’m not helping,” Ian announced. “You’re on your own.”

Snow saw a hint of a smile lurking on Rowe’s face and his heart warmed. Yeah, it was hot and sticky and they were going to eat burned bacon, but this entire trip would be worth it if it coaxed a few of those out of Rowe. He walked over to look down at nearly half a pound of ruined bacon and cradled the bowl of eggs to his chest. “I’ll do the eggs.”

Just then heavy rustling sounds came from the woods and they all turned as Lucas and Andrei walked around the trees and into camp. They both had reddened cheeks and swollen lips and Andrei’s T-shirt was ripped at the shoulder. His blush actually showed through the stubble burn on his face, but Lucas just strolled uncaring into camp, a lazy, sated expression on his face.

That disappeared when he sniffed, then saw the state of the bacon.

“There’d better be more,” he growled.###

“You’re enjoying applying that sunscreen a little too much,” Andrei said as he lifted one eyebrow and glanced over his shoulder.

Snow leaned back against Rowe’s duffel and watched Ian rubbing sunscreen onto Andrei’s back. He was sure Ian’s red cheeks had a little to do with the heat from their hike, but a lot more to do with how much he was enjoying touching Andrei. Snow cracked up when Lucas gave Ian a hard frown and snatched the bottle of sunscreen out of his hands.

“Spoilsport,” Ian grumbled before shooting Snow a wink. “Everyone around me is having all kinds of sex. It’s only fair you throw me a bone.” The twist of his lips was positively wicked.

“Andrei’s bone isn’t up for grabs. Go see if Snow will share his man’s.” Lucas was grinning, though, as he turned Andrei around and started rubbing sunscreen on his chest.

“Yeah, I can do that part,” Andrei said, rolling his eyes. He murmured something to Lucas, who turned and watched Ian walk to the edge of the water.

Snow squinted—the sun was too fucking bright—as he followed Lucas’s gaze.

Ian was limping.

He’d been grouchy over his cooking and over stolen food, but he hadn’t complained once on the hike up Sheltowee Trace Trail. He’d stopped to look at blue lizards and to point at some of the most scenic views Snow had ever seen, but he hadn’t bitched about pain. Sighing, Snow got to his feet and walked to Ian. He pulled him away from everyone else, settled him onto a big rock and knelt in front of him.

“Um, Snow…” Ian, eyes the size of saucers, turned bright red. “Not that I’m complaining or anything, but you know I was just joking, right?”

Snow stared at him a moment, then laughed. “I’m not about to blow you. I’m checking your leg.”

“Oh.” If anything, Ian turned redder. “If I say damn, will you hold it against me?”

Snow shook his head, still chuckling as he ran his hands over Ian’s leg. “What kind of pain are you having?”

“I never said I was in pain.”

Snow merely lifted an eyebrow.

“It’s a deep ache. In the bone itself.” He looked around for Rowe, but still leaned close and lowered his voice. “I was told it would take months to heal. I’m surprised it’s hurting this much. I’m usually on my feet most of the day and night.”

“Yeah, but you aren’t usually hiking rough terrain and changing elevations. And sleeping on the ground.”

“I started out on a mattress,” the younger man grumbled.

Snow massaged Ian’s thigh while feeling for swelling or knots. “It can take a long time to heal from the kind of breaks you had, Ian. You’re doing really well, getting your muscle tone back. It’s healing well, but I’m not surprised you’re hurting.” He frowned and worked the muscles with his hands. “You’re not going to be able to hike tomorrow. We’ll find something else to do.” He winked. “That doesn’t involve blowjobs.”

“You suck.”

“Often.” Snow jerked when Rowe yelled his name. He turned just in time to see Jude take a running leap off Jump Rock into the creek. Although he knew a lot of people leaped off this rock every year, his heart shot into his throat because it looked shallow. The yellowish water splashed in a high arc as he hit the surface and Snow didn’t breathe until Jude’s laughing, gorgeous face came up to the surface.