Now, Snow grunted when he reached the top of Jude’s jeans. He straightened up. “Those need to come off.”

Jude watched him come around the bed to stand by his dangling feet. He kept his gaze locked with Jude’s as he pulled off Jude’s boots. Jude undid his belt buckle, his jeans, then let out a sudden, surprised Oomph! when Snow tugged off his jeans in one quick swoop. Once again, he didn’t bother with Jude’s socks before he was tugging Jude up off the bed with one of his lust-inducing wicked grins stretching his mouth. He jerked off his own black sweater as he backed toward the suitcase they’d left on the rickety table by the door and was naked when he came to Jude with lube.

Snow pointed to the wall.###

Jude’s pupils flared as he backed away from Snow, a sexy smile pulling up one side of his mouth. Snow couldn’t resist that temptation and he crowded into Jude, cradling his jaw in one hand as he leaned in close. He was obsessed with the scruff that grew on Jude’s face so fast. Keeping his eyes open, he lightly bit down on Jude’s lower lip, loving the sound that rumbled up Jude’s throat. Hot hands landed on his hips as Jude tugged his body closer. Snow closed his eyes at the feel of all that skin against him. He breathed the scent of this man he loved deep into his lungs, reveling in the feeling of being a part of something so profound. He kissed his lip, sucking on it lightly, then pressed his lips to Jude’s jaw, nuzzling the prickly-soft beard there, before moving down. He opened his mouth over the pulse in Jude’s neck.

He let it beat against his tongue.

This proof of life, of health—it belonged to the person most precious in his life and Snow had never, ever, expected to have such a thing.

“What are you thinking, General?” Jude whispered, his voice rumbling against Snow’s lips.

“That I love you.”

Hands slid up his back and Jude pressed their bodies together in a tight hug. “I love you, too.”

“I know.” And he meant it. He did know it. He felt this man’s deep affection for him in every move, every touch, and every single look.

Snow pulled back to stare at Jude. “I didn’t mean to slow things down.”

Dark brown eyes narrowed as Jude stared at him and his smile still held heat, though it mostly held that crazy strong affection Snow would never tire of seeing.

“I know how to heat things back up,” Jude murmured before spinning Snow around and shoving him into the wall. He pressed his entire body to Snow’s back, leaned in, and bit Snow’s ear.

Snow’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he held his breath as desire rushed through him so hard and fast, his brain temporarily checked out. He could only feel as hot skin and silky hair rubbed against his back. Jude’s dick, hard as steel, pressed into the seam of his ass as he slid it up and down.

But as much as he loved being dominated by Jude, he was in the mood for something else tonight. He shoved away from the wall, turned, and grasped Jude’s arms. Hauling him close, he licked Jude’s lips. Jude laughed and groaned at the same time, then he wrestled Snow back, only to grunt when Snow flipped them around and pressed him to the wall. His back hit hard enough for the guys in the next room to hear—if they weren’t caught up in their own games. Snow didn’t give a shit about them right then.

He dropped the lube and turned Jude, pressing the man’s palms to the wall as he plastered his body to Jude’s back. He nuzzled the unruly, black hair he couldn’t seem to touch enough before biting down on the back of Jude’s neck. Fuck, he smelled good. It might not be the scents he was used to from home, but that underlying musk that belonged to Jude and Jude alone was like a balm to his soul and caused a rush of blood to his dick. He loved nothing more than waking in the morning, tucking his face into Jude’s neck and breathing him in deep.

Jude made a strangled noise and rubbed his ass against Snow’s cock, making him growl and thrust hard against him.

“I could eat you up,” he said into his neck.

“Do it.”

“Do what?”

“Fuck, General, do anything you want to me right now.”

Endless possibilities played out in his mind as he kissed over broad shoulders and a muscular back that would soon glisten with a sheen of sweat that never failed to make his dark skin a thing of beauty. That’s what he wanted—Jude, covered in sweat and coming unglued. “Stay,” he whispered into his ear, pressing against the back of Jude’s hands so he kept them in place.