“We’ve gotta start our shift in about fifteen minutes,” Jude said as he started to gather together the contents of his tray to throw away. “Can I talk to you in your office?”

Snow nodded and followed behind Jude as they said good-bye to Rebecca, disposed of their trash, and made their way to his office.

“Is everything okay?” Snow demanded when they were alone on the elevator. Jude’s silence was unnerving him and the little smirk on his full lips certainly wasn’t helping anything. “Are you going to have to pull a double shift?”

Jude shook his head, still smiling. “Not as far as I know.”

Snow clenched his teeth, fighting back the urge to demand what that smile was about. He could wait until they were in the privacy of his office.

Stepping off the elevator first, Snow walked down the empty hall and into his office, holding the door open for Jude. As soon as he closed it, he opened his mouth to speak but Jude was already on him, slamming his back against the smooth honey wood surface. Warm, soft lips pressed against his a second before Jude sucked his lower lip into his mouth and gently bit down. Snow moaned, the tension immediately slipping from his body so that he melted against Jude. This man got him. Each moment they were together, it was like everything fell away and he could just…be.

Jude slowly broke off the kiss, smiling at Snow, his dark eyes filled with joy. “Thank you for joining me for lunch. I know that wasn’t easy for you.”

“I’m not good with people the way you are.”

He shook his head, his hands running down Snow’s unattractive dark blue scrubs so that the material molded to Snow’s hard, muscled chest. “I don’t expect you to be anyone but who you are. I love you for you.”

Snow wrapped his arms around Jude’s waist and spread his legs farther apart, pulling Jude closer. “Are…are you good with what happened in the cafeteria?”

Jude arched one eyebrow at him, his smile turning into more of a smirk. “You mean the part where you made it obvious that we’re a couple and we’re buying a house together?”

Dropping his head back until it thudded against the door, Snow closed his eyes and swallowed a curse. “Yeah. I didn’t think.”

A low chuckle escaped Jude, drawing Snow’s eyes back to the man. “And that’s why I love you.”


“You don’t care what those people think. Don’t give a shit what anyone might say. You just wanted to see me. And that is the hottest fucking thing.”

“But you don’t care that people know?”

Jude’s hand snaked up Snow’s chest and threaded through his hair at the back of his head, tightening. “Care that the hospital knows you’re mine now? That I have all this sexiness in my bed every night?” Jude licked his lips. “Hell no.”

With a low growl, Snow captured Jude’s lips in a rough, possessive kiss. His tongue delved deep into his mouth, dominating him, wanting to claim everything that was Jude, but he also wanted Jude to claim him as well. Everything that Snow was—good and bad—he’d give over to Jude, though it scared him to death.

Moaning softly, Jude pushed at Snow, breaking off the kiss and backpedaling until his thighs touched Snow’s desk. “Damn, you gotta stop, General. I’ve got to go now or I’ll be late.”

Snow scowled at his watch. He needed to finish out the last of his rounds as well before diving into at least two hours of paperwork. “Tonight?” he asked, dropping his hands back to his sides.

Nodding, Jude stepped forward and grabbed the door handle, while Snow stepped back from the door. “Definitely. You gonna wait up?”


“You gonna be naked?”

“If you’re lucky.”

Jude winked at him as he turned the knob. “If you’re in my bed, I’m already lucky.” He pulled open the door and started to step into the hall.

“Hey!” Snow called, stopping him. Jude leaned back into the room, his eyes questioning. “I love you, too.”

Jude smiled. “See? I’m a lucky man already.” And then he disappeared down the hall, his whistle echoing off the walls as he walked back to the elevator.No Walls are SacredThe sharp crackle of thunder and sudden downpour roared through the car, startling Snow in the back seat and knocking Jude closer into his side. He expected the man to wake up, but all he did was sort of nuzzle into Snow’s shoulder, making him smile.

“Shit!” Lucas swerved when the car in front of them hit its brakes. He veered onto the shoulder, gravel pinging against the undercarriage until Lucas put them back on the road to inch forward as the rain picked up. The deluge pounded the roof, the noise so loud it hurt Snow’s ears.

Lucas leaned forward. “I can’t see enough to drive in this. We have to find a safe place to pull over and wait it out.”