“Eat here often?” Jude teased softly when Snow refused to speak.

Snow met his dark eyes and finally gave up trying to censor his words. “I wanted to see you.” It was the truth. Snow was scheduled for the morning shift and Jude was on the evening shift for the next two weeks. Snow would be crawling into bed when Jude got off work each night. They’d be lucky to catch more than a few conscious minutes together and Snow hated it. He was going to grab his minutes with Jude where he could get them, even if it meant venturing down to the noisy, crowded cafeteria so he could sit next to his boyfriend.

Jude’s eyes widened and his lips parted in surprise. “Fuck, General,” he said on an exhale so that it sounded like a harsh whisper. “You don’t play fair.”

Glancing down at his tray for a second, Snow picked up his bottle of water and started to turn the lid. But when he looked up at Jude, he halted under the heated look he was receiving. Blood immediately rushed to his groin and Snow was only vaguely aware of the loud crackling of plastic as his hands tightened around the unopened water bottle. Jude was just inches away. He could so easily slide his chair back and pull Jude in his lap so that the man straddled him, grinding his undoubtedly hard cock into Snow’s as he captured his mouth for a deep, drugging kiss.

“Whoo!” Rebecca said loudly, jerking Snow’s narrowed gaze to her to find the woman fanning herself with both hands. In truth, he’d completely forgotten that she was even sitting across from them. “Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?”

Jude snickered and shook his head. “Don’t start.”

“Oh please, you don’t have to stop on my account. I’ll just sit here and enjoy the show.”

“Becca—” Jude warned, but the dark-haired woman just did a little shimmy in her seat, a wide grin spreading across her face.

“I don’t know how I lucked into snagging the sexy-man table, but I’m gonna enjoy it. This is almost better than being at the club.” Snow opened his mouth to try to head off any more of this sexy talk, but Rebecca plowed ahead, her face lighting up with a new idea. “We should totally go out to the Laundry Room or the Dock. Oh! The Adonis Club!”

“No,” Snow said sharply.

“What’s wrong?” Jude’s voice dipped low and husky with his taunt. “You don’t want to dance with me? Again?”

Snow nearly growled. All the headway he’d made in getting his erection to subside disappeared in an instant. He’d loved dancing with Jude, their bodies pressed together, music thumping and pulsing around them. And the rest of that weekend had been the stuff fantasies were made of. Or really great porn. Someone clearing their throat saved Snow from having to formulate a coherent answer. He twisted in his seat, looking over his shoulder to see Carol Hannigan standing just a couple of feet away, a cup of coffee tightly clutched in one hand.

“Hi, Dr. Frost. I hope I’m not disturbing your lunch,” she said, flashing him a tentative smile.

“Carol,” he said with a small nod. She filled in occasionally on his team, assisting the anesthesiologist. She was smart and attentive. They’d also never spoken before.

“I heard that you were looking for a new house. Well…after everything that happened,” she paused and blushed. “Sorry…umm…the reason I came over is that my husband and I just purchased a new house. We thought our realtor was great. She knew the area and found the perfect fit for us in our budget. I was wondering if you had someone. She saved us a lot of time and with your busy schedule…” She finally drifted off and took a sip of coffee as if to stop any new words from tumbling out.

Snow frowned and looked over at Jude, who had been watching the exchange. “Why don’t we have someone doing this for us?”

A smile brighter than the sun lit up Jude’s face. There was no missing the laughter dancing in his dark eyes, but Snow couldn’t figure out the source of his amusement. “No reason,” he admitted. Jude leaned back and looked at Carol around Snow. “What’s your realtor’s name?”

“Judith Sparks.” She patted her pockets and then frowned as if suddenly realizing that she was in her work scrubs. “I think I’ve got one of her business cards in my purse.”

“Can you drop the card off at Dr. Frost’s office if you find it? We’ll give her a call. We could use all the help we can get.”



“Carol,” the nurse quickly said, extending her hand.

Jude took it. “Jude.”

With another smile, she wished them a good day and was off. Snow turned to his salad, his mind turning over that odd exchange when Rebecca’s snort drew his attention.