How could I convince him otherwise? “I told Valentino I would work off my debt and then leave Boston. I was willing to walk away if that was what he wanted. It isn’t.”
“You’ve clearly got him wrapped around your finger, willing to say whatever you want him to. There are a lot of ways to play this game, but if you persist, and you become part of this family, you will not leave us any way but in a coffin. So, if you are playing a game with Valentino, you will regret your choices.”
Dominic was so cold I could practically feel the chill coming off him. How did Val get any sense that his father had feelings? I wasn’t sure the man was capable of that.
“I love Valentino, and I want to be with him. How can I prove that to you?”
The evil smile he gave me made me realize I shouldn’t have asked him that. “I don’t believe in love, not the romantic kind you mean, at least. You can only prove your loyalty over time by making sure you don’t keep Valentino from his duties to the family. If I see any evidence you are too much of a distraction to my son, or if it becomes clear you were only after his money or the power he can bring you, you will suffer. I know how to get to your sister, and she certainly means a lot to you.”
“Leave my sister alone.” I no longer cared if I angered him. No one threatened Ava.
He laughed at my fury. “I know what happened to your parents, but the police don’t. I could easily ‘find’ some evidence that pointed right to you as the guilty party. It would be a shame if new evidence turned up and the case was re-opened.”
“You can’t prove anything against me.” Tears burned behind my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. This man was not going to see me cry. “My parents’ death was not my fault. I had nothing to do with it. The accident was staged. I can prove that now.”
“Sure of that, are you? You have no idea the power I wield.”
This man was pure evil. “I know I love Valentino, and the two of us will protect each other, no matter what.”
“What kind of protection do you think you could provide?”
Movement outside the window caught my eye, and I turned to see a man crouched behind a tree in Dominic’s back yard.
“Who do you think you are showing up unannounced on our territory?” Cathal O’Keefe was in his mid-seventies, but no one would doubt the power he still held. It was evident in his stance, the confidence in his tone, and the coldness in his eyes. He was the head of the family, and the man we had to convince to allow Liam to marry me.
O’Keefe was clearly angry about our presence, but he was interested enough in keeping peace with us to have his men show us into his office.
“We have an important matter to discuss with you,” Lucien said.
“Then make an appointment.” O’Keefe waved to his men. “See them out.”
“Gentlemen.” One of the guards gestured toward the door, but Lucien didn’t move, so neither did the rest of us.
“It’s a very interesting story,” Lucien moved closer to O’Keefe. “I think you will want to hear it, since it concerns a member of your family.”
O’Keefe rose from his chair, facing off with Lucien. “I am well aware of what my family is up to. Don’t think you’re going to come here with lies and start trouble.”
“I have no desire to start trouble. I’m here with information. I think you must have lost track of Sharps’s son, Liam.”
O’Keefe scowled. “The boy has never contacted the family. He’s of no use to us.”
Lucien inclined his head toward O’Keefe. “Then you will have no objection to him marrying one of my men and becoming ours.”
“Why is he involved with your family?”
“I suppose he became involved with us because you left him and his younger sister to fend for themselves with no protection from the family despite the years of service his father rendered you.”
O’Keefe’s face darkened. “Sharps and his family were under our protection.”
“Until Sharps died, then the kids were out in the cold.”
O’Keefe slammed a fist on his desk. “Are you challenging me, questioning the way I run my family business?”
Lucien held up his hands, clearly asking for calm. “As I said before, I’m not here to start trouble. I’m here to let you know one of yours is going to marry one of ours and to make clear we expect no interference.”