Page 79 of Blood Money

“Yes.” I didn’t even have to think about my answer.

“I thought that once too.” My father’s voice was so soft I barely heard him. “Look where I ended up.”

I knew better than to respond. My father had suffered greatly, I knew that. He was no longer able to use the skills he’d become known for, but his position wasn’t all that bad if he would just let himself realize it.

He cleared his throat and spoke with his usual firm disdain. “We have no way of knowing if Mr. O’Shaughnessy is trustworthy. He could be working for his family, spying on us, and learning our secrets by getting you to spill your guts to him as you lay in bed.”

“No!” My self-control broke. “That’s not what’s happening here. Not everyone is a manipulator.”

Instead of the rebuke I expected, my father simply said, “You would do best to assume they are.”

How can I make a man who’d been betrayed, who was so bitter, understand how I felt about Liam? “If I marry him, we will have a firmer alliance with his family. Relations are friendly now and marrying him is the best way to keep that up as the O’Keefes secure their power. If I leave him unprotected, it opens the possibility for trouble with his family.”

My father narrowed his eyes as he studied me. “When you realize things aren’t as they seem or when the excitement of being with him fades, you’ll be stuck. Divorcing him will cause more problems than simply leaving him alone as you should have done.”

“I want Liam forever.”

My father shook his head. “That remains to be seen, but I have to admit the last thing we need is those McConnell assholes thinking they can run around eliminating O’Keefe relations. That will only destabilize the situation.”

“So we should work with the O’Keefes to get rid of the men who are after Liam.”

My father nodded. “If Lucien agrees. This isn’t a move I intend to make on my own. I want the backing of the entire family behind me.”

I was so close to getting what I wanted. “And once the threat to him is eliminated?”

“Then, if Lucien agrees, we will arrange an alliance between the two of you. Once we take that step, there’s no going back. No matter how much you might regret it.”

That would never happen. “I’m not going to regret it.”

My father huffed.

Was this really happening? Was I going to have my family backing me as I took down these motherfuckers? If only I could make my father happy, make him see that love was real. Maybe as he watched me and Liam he would learn that, but he’d seen Lucien with his boyfriend Peter, and they hadn’t changed his mind. Thinking of them gave me courage, though. Sometimes things really did work out. “Thank you for listening.”

“I’ll contact Lucien immediately. You may wait in the conservatory.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Thank you, sir,” Vito said as we turned toward the door.

“Valentino,” my father called.


“I hope I’m wrong. I hope Liam is everything you want him to be.”

I started to speak, but my father waved me toward the door.



Val’s associate Tony brought his boyfriend, Elio, with him. I was nervous as hell around them at first, but I quickly realized that while Tony looked like he’d just as soon snap someone’s neck as talk to them, he was actually easygoing. Elio had seemed distant at first, but he warmed up quickly. We’d spent the last hour or so sitting in the living room having drinks and chatting. The two of them managed to prevent me from spending every second worrying about what was happening as Val talked to his dad.

When I asked them about Dominic, Tony said, “He’s a scary motherfucker. I was sweating it when I had to meet him, but everybody says he loves his sons and he would do anything for them. He’s not going to be the type that outwardly shows affection or anything like that, but I think Valentino can convince him you’re good to have around.”

Elio nodded. “This family is so different than mine. There’s still a hell of a lot of posturing, and I’m not saying you aren’t fucking fucked if you get on their bad side, but they care about each other. So far, there’s some goodness in everyone I’ve met. Even him.” He inclined his head toward Tony who mock-punched him in the shoulder.

All I could do was smile. They looked really happy. Was there any possibility I could be that relaxed with Val one day?