I nodded. As crazy as this was, I couldn’t actually hide from it.
“Your father is related to the O’Keefe family. He was known as Sharps before you were born. Back then, the O’Keefes ran things in Irish territory. There was a power grab when you were a baby. A lot of people were eliminated, some disappeared with no one knowing if they were dead or somewhere in hiding. Some just kept a low profile and stayed quiet.”
“You’re saying that’s what my dad did?”
Val shook his head. “I’m saying that’s what John O’Keefe did. He helped your father change his identity, because the McConnells—the family that took over—would’ve wanted to track him down. Your father was a talented assassin. He changed his name and everything about his identity, then worked in some capacity for the O’Keefes, possibly actually doing something clerical like accounting.”
“Was he still…did he still kill people?”
“I don’t think so, not at first at least.”
Was this all true? I had been horrified at the easy way Val killed when my whole childhood I was living with an assassin. “He must’ve been being paid for something. I mean, we always had enough money.”
“Enough to look like you lived on accountant’s salary, not like?—”
“We were rich.”
Except where did the money go if my parents had been rich before? And why did they leave me and Ava out of their wills? “So the McConnells found out who my father really was?”
Val reached for my hand, and I was thankful to have something to hold on to. “Someone did, and they staged a car crash to eliminate him, probably thinking it was the best way to prevent any connection to them.”
“But there was no guarantee anyone would die in the crash.”
“That’s right, but the McConnells would eventually have seen to things one way or another. You didn’t cause the accident. There’s nothing you could’ve done to prevent it.”
“Maybe my father could have. Maybe he could not have done what he did for the family. Maybe he could’ve left Boston.”
Val frowned. “If any of those maybes were true, then you wouldn’t be here with me now.”
I let out a long breath. There were so many thoughts running through my head. Everything I’ve ever known had suddenly shifted. Part of me really wanted Ava there. “Tell me my sister isn’t some super spy working for the Irish.”
Val smiled. “Not that we know of. I think she’s trying to make it through college and really worried about her brother.”
“Have you been spying on her too?” Would she tell me if she thought someone was following her?
“I’m making sure she stays safe, that’s all.”
I didn’t love that, but I was thankful for his protection. “Why would these people come after me now?”
“Because in the last year, power has shifted again, and the O’Keefes regained control.”
“But I didn’t do anything to the McConnell family. I didn’t even know who my father really was.”
“They don’t care. You’re his son, his legacy. They don’t want anyone from his line to be in power again.”
“This is so fucking stupid. I’m not a part of this.”
“When you’re in the family, you don’t get a choice.”
“No, I—” I realized what I’d been about to say, that I didn’t want to be part of that kind of family, but didn’t I? Didn’t I want to be with Val?
“Whether you want to or not, you’re in this.” He looked away like he was thinking, but I knew I’d hurt him.
“Val.” I laid a hand on his arm. “I’m scared. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know who my parents really were. Nothing makes sense. But I…” I had to pause. I wasn’t sure I could tell him how deep my feelings went, so I said the closest thing I could. “I still want you.”
“Good because I’m not giving you up.”