“My family has resources the police don’t have access to. I also don’t have to follow any rules.”
“Val, just leave it alone. I…I’m trying not to think about it every fucking day.”
I brushed my fingers over his cheek. “Thank you for telling me.”
He nodded and pulled away. I let him go. I wouldn’t tell him what I was doing, but I was going to figure out exactly what happened and find the man responsible.
“I’ve got some work to do this morning, but after that, I’m going to find you an apartment. You’ll pay the rent and buy a reasonable amount for food with your earnings and only give me what’s left over.”
Liam scowled at me. “I’m not accepting an apartment from you. I can live wherever I choose to as long as I’m paying off the loan.”
“Liam, you can’t stay in a storage unit.”
“I can and I will. As long as I show up to work on time and do the job I have agreed to do, that’s all you can ask of me. I owe you money, and we made an agreement on how I can pay that back. An apartment isn’t part of that.”
I wasn’t going to let him starve to death or die of a heat stroke. “I want to help you.”
He glared at me. “You want my money, and you want to fuck me. Let’s keep it at that.”
Did he really think that? I grabbed his arm and yanked him toward me. Items spilled from the grocery bags, but I ignored them. I pulled him so close our lips were nearly touching.
“I know that’s not all you feel when I’m inside you. When I touch you, everything changes. You know that. It has nothing to do with debts or payments. Do you think I’d pay someone else what I pay you just for a fuck? Hell no. I’m making sure you can pay off this loan faster as long as you work for me.”
Tears began to run down his cheeks, and I knew I was fucking up again. He just made me so furious trying to deny what was happening between us.
“I did feel something when we were together, but I also know I’m property to you, a possession. You want to run my life the way you control me in that private room. I can’t handle that. I can’t give up the last bit of freedom I have. You’ve taken everything else from me. This is my choice.”
I growled. “You’re so fucking stubborn.”
“My sister would agree with you there.”
“Tell me about your sister?”
He shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about her now.”
I forced myself to let him go. I wasn’t going to lose control with him again. “Bring the generator to Pound and plug it in to let it charge. I better not find out you’re sleeping here without a fan running. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.” He practically spat the words at me, but I chose to ignore it.
“My brother, Vito, is running the club for me for the next few weeks, so you won’t be seeing me.” He looked back at me, and I saw sadness in his eyes. I hoped he would miss me.
Why did Val’s statement feel like a punch to the gut? Even though he said he wouldn’t be at the club, I knew I’d be looking for him when I was on stage. It had become a habit.
“If you need anything, talk to Vito or Trevor. I know Trevor is…gruff, but he will help you. I’ll see you when I’m back. Our agreement still stands.”
The hard look he gave me made me shiver. What would he do to me if I took other private clients while he was gone? I knew I wouldn’t though. I didn’t want anyone but him to touch me. I was such a fucking fool. Now I wouldn’t be making any extra money for the next few weeks. I wanted to ask Val where he was going, but I didn’t want him to know how curious I was. “I’ve never met Vito. How am I supposed to know who he is?”
“Trust me, when you see him, you’ll know he’s my brother.”
When I walked into work the next day, I saw how true that statement was.
There was a man leaning against the bar. At first, I thought it was Val. Then I registered that this man was shorter, his shoulders thicker, but Val had been right, there was no question they were brothers.
Tyler waved at me, then leaned toward Vito and said something. Vito stood and walked my way. When we were a few feet apart, he held out his hand. “I’m Vito Marchesi. Val told me to keep an eye on you this week.”