“I’ve had plenty of blow jobs in my life. That was a whole other level. That was what happens when a beautiful man surrenders completely to me, and I’m happy to pay exorbitant rates for that kind of service. Don’t expect me to ever go easy on you. I will work you over good and hard. I’ll leave you sore and bruised and still needing, and I will pay you well for every second.”
“Fuck.” The word slipped out as a whisper, and he smiled.
“Is your ass ready for all this?” He pressed a hand over his cock, which was still half hard.
“I can take anything from you.”
His hand was in my hair again. I gasped as he jerked my head back. “Are you sure about that? Do you understand how demanding I can be?”
He’d choked me half to death and used me like I was indestructible. “I think I do.”
“This is your last chance to change your mind. You can put on your clothes and walk away, or you can meet me here the next time I ask.”
I swallowed hard and winced.
“Aww, is your throat sore?”
There was no remorse in his eyes. He liked that he’d wrecked me. The problem was, I liked it too, and I needed the money. I needed to do this. It gave me the best of both worlds. I got to have the dangerous man I longed for, and I got to earn money to pay off my debt faster than I’d ever imagined. “I’ll be here.”
Liam started to rise, but I shook my head. “Stay there and put this on.” I picked up my jacket and handed it to him.
“What? I don’t–”
When he followed my movements and saw his former client lying on the floor with blood pooled under his head, he made a strangled sound. “Oh my God. I forgot. How could I…What happens now?”
I loved that his voice was scratchy, barely there. I’d done that to him. I’d fucked his throat raw. I should feel bad for it, but I didn’t. I loved that he’d taken what I’d given him. I loved knowing I could hurt him and he wouldn’t flinch, that he’d still look to me for comfort. I was the one who could save him.
You’re a sick fuck.
Vito’s words echoed in my head. He was one to talk. I knew about things he’d done, professionally and sexually, that were far worse than this. I didn’t usually feel any remorse. Not that I ever had to force a man into anything. I usually had them begging, thinking getting a dicking from me would somehow give them a touch of the power I wielded. No one had come close to gaining that from me until Liam. I would protect him, no matter what.
Even from my father?
That was a great fucking question. I’d just completely lost control and potentially fucked up everything: my life, his. I had to pull myself together and make a plan to cover this up the best I could, but all I wanted to do was take Liam home and fuck him again and again.
I bent down to the man I’d beaten to check for a pulse. As I suspected, there wasn’t one. I pulled my phone from my pocket and made a call. “I need a code red cleanup in room two.”
“Yes, sir.”
That was all I needed to say, so I ended the call, reached for Liam’s hand, and pulled him to his feet. “Come on. We need to get out of here.”
“Is he dead?” Liam pointed to the body across the room.
“You don’t need to worry about that. You’ll never see him again.”
“You…you killed him?”
I shrugged. “He touched you.”
“What kind of monster are you?”
“You don’t want to find out.” I prayed he never knew how dark I was inside, all the things I’d done to survive and then to thrive.
“So you’ll just make this disappear no matter who he is?”