“I didn’t think you’d planned it. I thought it was our only option.”
“Do you think for one moment that I didn’t already want to marry you, that I’m only doing this because it’s required by our families? No, Liam. I was planning to propose to already. I even have a ring.”
I opened the drawer of my nightstand and pulled out a small box. When I opened it, Liam’s eyes widened. “How did you know sapphires are my favorite?”
“They match your eyes, baby. They were meant for you.”
I held up the ring as I took Liam’s left hand in mine. “Do you have an answer for me?”
His smile made my heart skip a beat. “Yes, Valentino Marchesi, I will marry you.”
“You know that means you’re committed to me for life.”
“There’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. I’m sure of that. I love you, and I want to be yours.”
I slid the ring onto his finger. “I love you. I would do anything for you.”
“Right now, all you need to do is kiss me.”
So I did.
3 months later
Ilooked around, taking in all the people talking, dancing, enjoying themselves in the gardens of the Marchesi estate in Weston. When Lucien’s father had offered his home for our wedding, I’d been stunned, and when I’d seen it, I was truly blown away. It was the most perfect location for a wedding, especially in the fall, and our special day was truly a family affair with pastries from Angelo’s boyfriend’s bakery, and a special blend of coffee from Lucien’s cousin, Carlo’s, café.
And now here we were on a gorgeous October day. The sky was blue. The leaves were a blaze of color, and I felt like the setting had been made just for us. Father Nick had performed the ceremony, and afterward I’d told him I wanted to volunteer at the church alongside Val.
I watched as members of the Marchesi family partied together. I felt like there was an endless array of cousins, uncles, and aunts. I wondered if I’d ever remember everyone’s names. The O’Keefe’s had sent an elaborate ice sculpture and a case of the finest champagne. We would have a celebration with them after our honeymoon. I wasn’t sure whether to be excited or nervous about that.
For now though, things were absolutely perfect. I’d managed to only cry a little as I said my vows and Val spoke his to me. When he kissed me at the end of the ceremony, and I realized the enormity of what we’d done, my heart felt like it would burst.
I thought I’d been floating on a cloud of happiness for the last few months, but now I was truly flying, and Val and I were going to have an entire week away on a Caribbean island. Could life get any better?
I was excited about our honeymoon, but I was also enjoying this time with family. Seeing everyone smiling and laughing, you’d never know how scary most of them seemed on a regular day. Now that I’d repaid my loan with my own money, I no longer worried about that side of them, I could focus on all the good things this family had to offer.
Val was clearly as happy as I was. I’d love watching him during the day, seeing him smile constantly, knowing how much it meant to him that even though his father didn’t stay for the reception, he came to the ceremony. Dom had kept to himself for the most part, but he’d spoken to us, and we knew he fully supported our marriage.
“Taking it all in?” Vito asked. I’d been so lost in my thoughts I hadn’t even heard him approach.
“I am.”
“Has it sunk in yet? That you’re stuck with my brother for all time.”
I grinned. “I think I accepted that a while ago, but all of this makes it seem even more magical.”
Vito nodded.
“I never expected my brother to get married. He’s always been so focused on simply surviving, making sure we had a place in the world and then in the family. You’ve been good for him; I’ve never seen him this happy.” He inclined his head toward where Val stood with a group of Marchesi men. He was laughing as Devil slapped him on the back. “I’m glad you’re officially part of the family now.”
“Thanks. That means a lot to me, feeling accepted. I pushed everyone away after the accident. I didn’t even know how to talk to people anymore. I was focused on survival too. I guess Val and I have more in common than I’ve ever realized.”
“You do. You’re so different, and yet you’re both so dedicated to family.”