Page 65 of Blood Money

“I thought you were able to make all that disappear.”

“We are, but we shouldn’t burn favors too fast.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Volunteering. I do this once or twice a month, and I help with Father Nick’s other programs too. I told you I haven’t always lived like I do now. I like to help people when I can.”

We sat in silence for another moment. I hated the tension between us. Sure, it was unexpected to see each other here, but normally we didn’t have any trouble talking. “I guess you didn’t take my advice when I told you to keep back enough money for groceries.”

He sighed. “I know you’ve put extra money on the debt, and I tried to save more, but I had to get a new battery for my car. I can’t walk back to the storage unit in the middle of the night, and I don’t get paid at Benny’s until next week, so instead of going hungry, I came here. You said I should feed myself.”

“You’re damn right you need to eat, and I’m glad you came tonight. I’ve missed you even though it’s only been a few days. I’ll be done in thirty minutes. I want to talk to you. Don’t leave.”

“I think it would be better if we kept our distance from now on. Even if that means no more extra payments.”

I drew in a breath, reminding myself he was scared. I didn’t have to pretend when I was here. I could be as much myself as I would ever be with anyone else.

“I’m asking you, not telling you.” I didn’t watch for his reaction; I turned and headed back to the serving line.



Istayed and watched Val. He was kind to each person he served. He looked at them and talked to them like they were real people, not something less than him. He joked with the other servers and generally seemed to be enjoying himself. He didn’t look at all like the cold killer I’d gotten to know or the crazed possessive man who’d fucked me to the point of collapse.

A priest who looked to be in his early sixties was making his rounds, speaking to the people who’d come in for a meal. When he approached my table, I braced myself for words of judgment, but his bright smile put me at ease.

“May I?” He gestured toward the chair across from me.

“Sure, Father.”

He held out his hand. “I’m Nick.”

“I’m Liam. Nice to meet you.”

“Is this your first time having dinner here?”

I nodded. “Yes, Father.”

“No need for formalities. I like everyone to feel comfortable.”

I had no doubt people felt comfortable here. Father Nick and all the volunteers seemed genuinely kind. “Thank you for dinner.”

“I just coordinate it; we couldn’t do this without all the volunteers. Speaking of which, I saw you talking with Valentino.”

I braced myself for what would come next. “Are you going to warn me to stay away from him?”

Nick shook his head. “I was going to say I was glad you found a friend.”

Oh, that was not what I was expecting. “We’re not exactly friends.”

He laughed. “I’m sure it’s a lot more complicated than that. It usually is with Val, but despite what he might tell you or what you might think, there’s a lot more to him than the side you’ve likely seen.”

“I guess his being here told me that.”

Father Nick glanced toward Val. “He does a lot to help out here. I know he’s not what most people imagine when they think of a church volunteer, but don’t dismiss him out of hand.”

I was too stunned to respond. This man was a priest, and I didn’t think for a moment he didn’t know who Val really was or that he was ignorant about what the Marchesi family did. He could hardly live in this part of town and not know, and yet he was telling me Val and I should be friends. “You don’t act like any other priest I’ve met.”