His smile was different from Val’s but just as seductive. While Val’s gave off a hint of malice and the desire for something dirty, Vito’s smile was open, relaxed, charming.
“I won’t cause you any trouble. I’ll dance my sets, then head home.”
Vito’s smile widened. “I’m not worried about you causing trouble, but I’m going to make sure no one bothers you. If you have any issues with customers or employees, tell me immediately. We don’t want a repeat of last night’s little problem.” Vito might appear easy-going, but I saw the predator in his eyes as he spoke.
I nodded and hoped I could talk without my voice shaking. “Right. I don’t want that.”
“I’ll have someone walk you to your car each night until we’re sure it was an isolated incident. I promised Val I’d keep you safe, and that’s what I’m going to do.”
I really wanted to know where Val was. “Thank you.”
“Check in with me when you’re ready to leave tonight. If I’m not around, talk to Tyler or Trevor. Don’t trust anyone else.”
I wondered why they hired people they didn’t trust, but I wasn’t going to question him. “I will.”
I wanted to resent Val ordering him to watch me, but I had to admit I felt better knowing someone was making sure I didn’t have any other stalkers. I didn’t want to be involved in any more murders, but I also wanted to be safe walking to my car when I got off work.
What had happened the night before had me shaken. I hadn’t wanted to come in today at all, but it wasn’t like I had a choice. I had to keep working as much as I could.
The next few weeks passed uneventfully. I didn’t have any more parking lot encounters or even anyone trying cop a feel as I walked through the crowd. Vito’s hulking presence by the side of the stage probably had something to do with that. I wasn’t sure if Val had told him to watch me that closely or if he was just taking his job seriously.
Despite Val’s absence, the other dancers were just as standoffish to me. They still saw me as his pet, and I supposed that’s what I was because I wasn’t going to walk away from our deal, no matter what I’d insinuated the night before. At least I enjoyed being with Val, and he did take care of me, even if every time he touched me I fell a little more under his spell.
The generator he’d bought had been a lifesaver, possibly literally. It was still hot as hell in the storage unit whenever I returned there after my shifts, but at least I knew that once the generator-powered fan had a chance to get going, it would cool the place down enough that I could actually sleep.
As the days passed, I missed Val more and more. I dreamed of him, thought of him every moment as I danced, and when I woke up with morning wood, he was the only thing I thought of as a jerked myself off.
I received my pay stub and a loan receipt on Saturdays. The Marchesis were serious about record-keeping, though I doubted the government saw the records I did. After the first week Val was gone, there was far more deducted from my debt than my salary plus the tips I’d asked Vito to put in the safe.
Val hadn’t come to see me, but he was paying for my services like he’d been there every night. I should insist he take the money back, but I didn’t have the strength to protest his gift.
A few days later, I was walking to my car in the parking lot with Vito watching me from the door. I jumped when someone in an SUV lowered their window. My breath whooshed out as I saw Val leaning toward me.
“Get in,” he ordered, reaching out and opening the passenger door.
I stared at him for a moment.
“Now, baby. I don’t feel like waiting.”
I did as he said, glancing back and waving at Vito. He nodded to Val and stepped back inside.
Val’s SUV was huge. I sank deep into the luxurious leather seat. I would never have noticed him in this vehicle. I’d only seen him drive his Corvette. “Are you going to be working here again?”
“No, I came back to see you. I’ve parked where the cameras won’t pick up anything we do here.”
“Why tonight?”
He smiled. “I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to see you, to touch you, to fuck you again.”
Before I could respond, Val grabbed me and dragged me over the console as he slid his seat back so I could straddle him.
He cupped my face, pulling me toward him, and this time, he did kiss me. It was better than any fairytale. At first, he barely brushed his lips across mine. I shivered with anticipation as he licked at my lips, then kissed me gently. I could barely feel the pressure of his lips.
“Val.” I needed more. I needed the wildness he always showed me. He held back, kissing me softly, letting urgency build until butterflies raced in my stomach. Finally, he deepened the kiss, and I kissed him back just as desperately. He growled and gripped me tighter as the kiss turned hard and rough the way I knew it would. I opened for him, inviting his tongue into my mouth, loving the hot feel of him stroking me with it.
When he finally broke the kiss, he brushed his thumbs over my cheekbones. I couldn’t see well with only the streetlights illuminating the parking lot, but I could feel the intensity of his gaze and the heavy tension between us.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered as he leaned in to kiss my neck.