Page 48 of Blood Money

“It doesn’t matter. That man was scum. He put his hands on you.”

“And the other one? He hired me.” I could more easily accept this man’s death as Val defending me from attack, but the man in the private room had needed to be thrown out, not killed. That was too extreme.

“Not for what he was trying to get. Your body is not for sale, and you made that clear.”

“I did, but when you want to hire me, somehow that’s not a problem.”

“That’s because—” He froze.

“Because why Valentino? What the fuck is going on with us?” When he didn’t answer, I started to walk toward my car. “I’m driving home.”

“Liam. I?—”

“Make an appointment with me. Reserve the room. I’ll see you then.” I bit down on my lip and forced myself not to let tears fall. I’d cried enough tonight, I wasn’t going to cry anymore.



Igot in my car and followed Liam. I kept enough distance between us that I doubted he would notice unless he was watching for me. Would he expect me to follow him? He should if he knew me at all. I might’ve pretended to acquiesce to him being on his own, but I wasn’t letting him out of my sight.

You’re losing it.

I didn’t give a fuck. When that piece of shit reached out for Liam, I realized what could’ve happened if I hadn’t waited there, if I hadn’t been so fucking obsessed with Liam that I couldn’t walk away even when I thought he regretted letting me touch him. I was going to have to figure out a way to make this work. Maybe I just needed to get over my hesitation. Maybe I just needed to tell my father that this was how it was and move Liam in with me. I’d marry him if that would make my father accept it more easily.

When I saw Liam turn into a storage facility, I knew something was up.

I waited a few moments before following him in. The gate was closed, but luckily my family owned the facility, so I had an access code. If I hadn’t, I still would’ve found a way in, even if it meant breaking down the gate. I wasn’t going to lose track of Liam. I needed to know why the hell he was here.

What secrets are you keeping, Liam?

Had he really killed someone? Why? I needed answers.

I saw him turn in between a row of buildings. I followed slowly and noted him parking at the end of the row. Then I drove one row over, parked, and got out of my car.

I expected Liam to go up to one of the units close to where he parked, but he didn’t. He started walking, and I followed him. I was moving quietly, but it was clear his instincts weren’t telling him he was being followed. He wasn’t glancing around either; he was looking down, fumbling for something in his bag. He wasn’t listening to what I told him about being aware of what was going on around him. I was going to have to make it clear that his safety was too important for him to ignore. If he was going to associate with me—and he goddamn well was—then he needed to be on alert constantly.

He crossed the main road and went into a section of units on the other side. I continued to follow him. Fortunately, there was no one else around at this hour. Finally, he stopped in front of a unit and bent down to undo the lock. When he pushed the door up, the lights from the parking lot illuminated enough of the unit for me to see a mattress on the floor and a few boxes scattered around it.

He was staying here, not with a friend, not in a different apartment. He didn’t want me to know he’d lost his apartment, and he was keeping his car hidden so no one connected it with this unit.

He’s here because your family is demanding all of his money.

I knew he was still working at Benny’s Bar, but he’d had to cut his hours to dance for me. Everything he earned at the club went to me, and I was sure everything from Benny’s went to his sister, it was no wonder he couldn’t pay rent.

Liam had clearly been struggling long before he’d started spending six nights a week at Pound. I couldn’t let him keep living here. If I helped him, Dom would eventually figure it out, but I’d just have to deal with the consequences. I’d have to bet on my father not actually killing me. He’d punish me some way, I knew that, but as long as I survived it would be okay. Vito would help me take care of Liam if I was out of commission.

I walked back to the Corvette and drove it as close to Liam’s unit as I could. I was about to approach the door when my phone rang. I glanced at it, expecting it to be Vito letting me know that the clean-up was done. It was my father.

I considered not answering, but he’d call again. He was nothing if not persistent. “Hello.”

“That’s two deaths this week. Both your fault. We can cover things up, but you’re making it very difficult. I’m considering taking the club from you.”

I’d honestly expected worse, but I couldn’t stop myself from stating my case. “They were both necessary to protect one of the dancers.”

“So your brother tells me. That same dancer owes us money. That’s why he’s working there right?”

“Yes, sir.” I wiped sweat from the back of my neck. How much did he know?