Page 46 of Blood Money

“But you…” He sniffled. “You walked away like…I thought….”

I’d known I was fucking this up when I walked out on him, but I’d been angry. I hadn’t wanted him to see me like that. I didn’t want to lose control with him when I was mad, only when I was overcome with need for him, that was when we could both handle it.

“I don’t want you doing this. I don’t want to kill anyone else.”

I froze. What did he mean? “You killed someone?”

“Kind of. I mean, everyone says it’s not my fault.”

“Baby, tell me what happened.”

He shook his head. “Not now. There’s a dead man right there.”

I wanted to point out that he sucked me off with a dead man lying in the same room with us the other night, but I doubted he’d see that as a good thing. And I did need to do something. I hadn’t used a silencer, and while gunfire wasn’t exactly a novelty in this area, someone might call it in. That would be just my luck.

I decided to call Vito for help this time.

He answered almost immediately. “Yo brother, what’s up?”

“Where are you?”

“Why are you asking?”

Jesus, he was probably with a man or woman or both. “I’ve got a body lying on the pavement outside Pound, and I could use some help.”

“Fuck. You killed another one?”

“Yes.” I’d hear enough from our father. I didn’t need Vito bitching at me too.

“Liam again?”

The memory of his hand on Liam made me see red. “The fucker tried to attack him in the parking lot.”

“Damn, I’m surprised you killed him quickly. That sounds more like a capture and torture situation.”

“I didn’t have the luxury. I had to take him out before he hurt Liam.”

“You really care about him, don’t you?”

I was not prepared to have that conversation now. “Just get what I need and get it fast.”

Vito coughed and I was sure he was covering a laugh. “I suppose you’re going to disappear from the scene.”

“We are.”



Itried to focus on Val’s conversation, but I couldn’t really hear the other person on the line. He was clearly someone Val was close to, someone who wasn’t the least bit concerned Val had killed a second man this week.

This time though, what would have happened if Val hadn’t been there? Would I have been able to get away? I wasn’t sure. I was stronger than I looked, but the man’s grip had been so tight.

I liked to think I could defend myself, but I didn’t have the skills Val did. I didn’t even know how to shoot a gun. If Val hadn’t saved me, I’d be with that asshole right now, being assaulted and possibly killed.

Instead, he was dead, and his blood was on me.

I realized I was shaking. I might be in shock. “I want to get cleaned up. I need a shower and some real clothes.” If only I had a real home to go to.