Page 14 of Blood Money

“But you don’t even know if those fit, or how they look on me.”

“The ones you have on fit perfectly; these will too, and you’ll look just as good in them.”

I forced myself not to let the compliment distract me. “But these haven’t been paid for.” I pointed to what I was wearing.

“I’m going to take care of that. Come with me.”

We went to the register where he asked for a pair of scissors so he could cut the tags from the clothes I was wearing. As his hands brushed against my waist to get the tag from the pants, I sucked in my breath. The warmth of his touch radiated through my clothes, and I wished he was touching my bare skin.

That was a very dangerous thought.

You offered yourself to him.

I offered a transaction, but this…whatever I was feeling wasn’t supposed to be part of it. I didn’t need to do anything but focus on paying off the loan as fast as I could. Then I needed to walk away and never see Valentino Marchesi again.



Liam hadn’t eaten for a whole day and who knew how long it had been since he’d had a real meal. How had he had the energy to dance for me? I remembered times when I’d gone days without any decent food. It had been hell. For a moment I considered telling him the whole thing was off, pulling the money from my account, and paying his debt myself.

Had I lost my mind? How many desperate men had I tormented until they either found a way to give me what they owed, or they became an example to everyone of why you didn’t cross the Marchesis? Why was Liam getting to me? I wanted him, but that wasn’t all of it.

You want to accept his offer to fuck the debt out of him.

I did. But I’d wanted to fuck clients before and had managed to resist with minimal effort. Liam was different. There was something about the desperation in his eyes that I couldn’t ignore like I could with other clients. Maybe I connected with him because he valued his sister the way I valued Vito. Maybe it was because of the way he responded when I touched him.

Whatever it was, I needed to fight it. If I kept indulging my urge to help Liam and my father learned about it, I’d lose everything, maybe even my life.

The Marchesis didn’t have any use for a guy who was going to let debtors off easy. That was hardly a good business model. Still, knowing Liam was hungry and desperate to help his sister ate at me. I knew how that felt.

Turning this assignment over to someone else would be wise, but my father would want to know why. When he told you to do something, he expected it done without question and without passing the buck.

I should’ve just taken Liam to Pound and left Trevor to handle everything, but then no one would know how hungry he was. I would take him to get some food, then I would drop him off at his apartment and keep my distance. He could leave his payments with Trevor for me to pick up at my leisure. I wouldn’t have to see him again.

Maybe I just needed to get laid. It had been longer than usual for me. I’d gotten tired of the most recent in a string of fuck buddies, and I hadn’t bothered finding anyone else. I would go out tonight. It was never hard to find someone to bury my dick in, but tonight I’d take the time to find someone good enough to make me forget about Liam.

I was too busy to go looking for a hookup that night. The next evening I told myself I would, but when I started driving, I headed to Pound and let myself in the back door.

It was Liam’s first night on the schedule. I told myself I was just there to make sure he showed up. It was my responsibility to see that he followed through on our agreement since had no other way to pay back my family.

“Did you think he wouldn’t show?” Trevor asked as I walked by his office.

“I wanted to see his routine for myself.”

“Uh huh. He was here before we opened so he could practice. He’s determined to make sure he earns top dollar.”

“Has he been on stage yet?” I tried to sound casual, but I was sure I failed.

“No. I waited to send him out until you got here.”

“What if I hadn’t shown?”

Trevor shrugged. “Then he would’ve gone on last.”

I started to say something else to make an excuse for my presence, but since when did I explain myself to my employees? Liam had me messed up. I’d should turn around and walk out of the club, but my feet carried me to the bar. I definitely needed a drink if I was going to watch Liam dance.

It was busier than usual for a weeknight. Trevor might be annoying as hell, but he was good at his job. I had no doubt he’d spread the word to the regulars that a new guy was dancing tonight.