She shakes her head. “No. To be honest, I’m not sure if he’s even alive.”
“Hopefully not,” I quip.
Her eyes snap to me. “I forgive him,” she says.
“Just like that?” I ask.
She nods. “Yes. Just like that.”
My mind can’t wrap around how this woman could forgive a man who walked away and left her and her mother. I couldn’t imagine my father leaving us or Sebby leaving Nana. It’s not what a man does.
“Because he didn’t know me. He didn’t know how fabulous I was going to grow up to be. He didn’t know. So, I forgive him, just like I forgave Mom,” she says.
There’s sincerity to her words.
“You’re something else—you know that?” I ask, in awe of her.
She grins. “Yes, I do know. That’s why I would never leave me. Besides, I’m not a victim just because my dad didn’t want me.”
“Of course not. You’re amazing,” I declare.
She continues without even hearing me, “I’m a survivor. I learned a long time ago that the people you want to support you aren’t always going to, and that taught me that I don’t need anyone’s support but my own in order to thrive. I’ve got me.”
“And you have Avie and, by extension, the rest of our crazy family,” I say.
The corners of her mouth tip up, her eyes welling with unshed tears.
“Yeah.” She sniffles.
And my heart cracks a little for this incredible woman.
“Uncle Lennon, can I come and have a sleepover with you and Auntie Miya?” Leia’s sweet voice asks over my phone’s speaker.
I glance at Amiya, who nods.
“A sleepover, huh? I’m not going to end up with peach fingernails again, am I?”
Her giggles sound like tiny bells coming across the line.
“No. We will just watch movies,” she says.
“Hm, I’m not sure I trust you and Auntie Miya. You two are trouble.”
“Please. I promise,” she pleads.
“Okay, let me speak to Nana,” I say.
My grandmother’s voice comes back. “Lennon?”
“Hi, Nana. I’ll call Sebastian and make sure it’s okay, and then we’ll swing by and pick her up.”
“Okay. I’ll pack her an overnight bag.”
I click off the call, and Amiya is already standing.
I call my brother while she changes into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. Then, I toss on a T-shirt, and she hands me the keys to her car.