“Jules, you can start back tomorrow as we need you at the bar. Take advantage,” Lev says.
“Who made you the fucking boss?” Dima snarls at Lev. Here we go again.
“Shut up, D.”
“No, I’m the fucking boss of this family and I give the orders, not you. You’re second in command, brother. Not first. I make the decisions.”
“Okay, Princess.”
“Call me that name a-fucking-gain.”
Dima lurches over at Lev, who laughs as they tussle like a couple of kids.
“Fuck off, you two,” Lev laughs as he pushes Dima off him. I don’t have to be told twice. Grabbing Kai by the arm, I drag him away, eager to get him all to myself.
We pass Aaron and Seb in the hallway but I don’t stop, I’m too keyed up.
“Kai, do you wanna…” Seb starts to ask but I continue to pull him along.
“He’ll catch up with you tomorrow!” I shout over my shoulder. Aaron cackles like a creepy fucking witch in the distance. We make it outside and walk down the garden path to our home. Si better not be around, because I’m not in the mood for chit-chat. Luckily, the house is empty as we walk down the corridor toward my room, or should I say our room. He’s not sleeping away from me ever again.
“Slow down, Jules,” Kai laughs as we walk inside my bedroom, and I lock the door behind us. I crowd up against Kai until his back hits the wall.
“No slowing down. You’ve put me through hell these past few weeks. Time for you to pay up.”
“Pay up? I didn’t plan on getting stabbed, Jules.”
“But you left me. Doubted me then put yourself in harm’s way. I’m owed a debt, and I’m cashing in. Strip, and make it fucking fast.”
“Fuck, I’ve missed your demanding voice.”
I walk over to the window and lean up against it, my arms crossed over my chest, and watch the show in front of me. My hard dick is pushing so tightly against the zipper of my jeans, I wonder if it’ll bust through the material. Kai keeps his eyes on me as he drops his coat to the floor and removes each shoe, tossing them to the side. He then holds the bottom of his sweater and slowly pulls it up over his head. His beautiful smooth chest on display and the golden hue to his skin has me dying for a taste. My eyes of course drift over the long scar on his stomach. It’s not as inflamed and raised as it was before, but it will be a constant reminder of how I almost lost him.
“Does it repulse you?” Kai asks, looking down at his scar.
“No. I think it makes you even more beautiful. It tells me you’re strong, and a survivor. Does it hurt?”
“Not really, only when you put pressure on it, it gets a little sore.”
“Got it. I promise not to hurt you there. Now, remove your pants. I want you bare, sweetheart.”
With shaking hands, he undoes his jeans and pushes them down to his ankles to remove them from his legs, followed by the quick removal of his underwear. That beautiful thick dick bounces on his abs, as wanton for touch as I am.
“Lay on your back in the center of the bed,” I say, and he walks over to the bed, climbing on all fours, giving me a perfect view of my prized possession. He turns and flops on his back, awaiting my next move.
I stand at the base of the bed and scan my eyes over every inch of his supple body, so delectable. Ripe for the taking. I remove my clothes as quickly as I can, my dick screaming to be set free.
“Open your legs for me, sweetheart.”
Kai parts his legs, a whimper leaves him, he’s on the verge of despair as he shivers all over, holding on to his sanity, trying not to let go and bitch at me to just fuck him and get on with it. But tonight, I will savor him and punish him by not giving him what he wants. I always keep my promises. I move to the bedside table and grab the lube, dropping the bottle onto the bed. Crawling onto the mattress, I lay my upper body in between his legs and start to kiss his shin bone, I leave open mouth kisses and kitten licks on his flesh, before moving up towards his knees. I kiss around the knee, taking little bites, causing him to gasp at the small stings. Then I head toward my goal, that tattoo. I lick a long path from knee to thigh, until I reach the base of the rose and bite down. Hard. Kai yells out, which then morphs into a long moan as I start to suck around the rest of the rose, alternating from kiss to suck, over and over.
“Fuck Jules, I love it when you bite me.”
“Me too. I want to mark you permanently here. My teeth marks and bruises to be with you forever.”
“I want that too.”