“Who’s asking?” he says.
Ivan smiles and walks over to him.
“Your worst nightmare,” Ivan says as he punches him in the face, which knocks him out cold, landing on the floor next to his stinky ass brother.
“That was fucking close. What did I tell you earlier? We can’t be doing any of that killing shit here. Use your fucking brain, Jules, or I’ll take over the show if you can’t control yourself.
“I couldn’t help it.”
“Well try. Ivan, grab the smelly ass one. I’ll take the long haired rat. Jules…go get in the damn car and focus your shit.”
“Like you wouldn’t have done the same or worse.”
“No. I would’ve drugged them and brought them back to our home where I could savor them. Now go.”
They get the boys down into the car as quickly as possible. Lev tosses Zac into the trunk, while me and Ivan sit in the back with Jez, taking a seat on either side of him, and head off to Carlos’s secured location. The roads are so quiet, you’d think an apocalypse had hit. Not surprising for such a small town, I’d imagine everyone is bundled up in the warmth with their loved ones. While my loved one is in hospital, fighting for his life. One thing I can guarantee, is that these two bastards won’t need a hospital, because nobody is coming to save them.
Am I dead? Or am I dreaming? It’s so peaceful here, my body is weightless like it’s floating in the clouds. A warm fuzzy sensation spreads from my head all the way to my toes. I’m so tired. I can’t open my eyes, the weight keeping them closed is frustrating, because I want to open them. Distant noises echo around me. Voices, I think, and a beeping noise. Why can’t I open my eyes? I feel like I’m on the outside of life looking in. I want to come back. My body starts to tingle as the warmth increases, nerve endings twitch as if I’m being recharged back to life.
“I’m so scared, Tim. What if he gets worse?” an angelic voice sings, and a spark of recognition hits me. That’s my mom. Open your eyes, Kai. Fuck.
“He’ll make it through, I promise.”
Is that Tim? Why are they talking like that? Where am I and what is that beeping noise? A searing pain in my stomach hits me, and I want to cry out.
Pain. Stabbed. Zac. Jules.
I was stabbed. The beeping sounds in the room intensify and hands cover my arms. I’m shaking, I can’t stop it. Panic ensues as memories of what happened flood back. The blood. The horrific pain and fear.
“Kai, can you hear me?” a voice I don’t recognize says, over and over. I know I‘m making noises, but why won’t my eyes open?
“I need you to calm down before you hurt yourself, Kai.”
Jules. Where is Jules’s voice? Ah, he’s not here is he? I left him.
Jules, Jules, Jules.
I want Jules. Only he can make me better, only he can make me feel safe. But I left him.
“Kai, we’re going to increase your sedative, as you need to rest,” another voice says. Something cold trails through the veins in my arm, instantly calming my mind. I start to float again, sailing off to a world of peace, with Jules’s face the last thing to cross my mind as I black out.
Wow. This warehouse is impressive. We arrive at the location that’s on the outskirts of town, the entire facility is like a security compound. High fencing with barbed wire runs around the perimeter, cameras installed in every corner of the yard where the large warehouse is situated. Lev slows the car down as we approach the secure gate where one of the guards lets us in, and we drive towards the building to be greeted by two more of Carlos’s men.
The three of us get out of the car first, leaving Zac and Jez inside the vehicle.
“I’m Stephan. We’ll be right outside the main doors until you’re done. Leave the bodies inside when finished, we can dispose of them.”
I look over at Lev, who looks as dumbfounded as me. Who the hell is Carlos, really? Because a set up like this is not from no small time importer. The guard’s appearance and demeanor are entirely different from the guys he has working for him back home. These guys look like the real deal. Dressed sharp, focused, and professional. I’m impressed.
“Sounds good. Come on you two, lets get the fuckers inside,” Lev says, and we go to grab them from the car. Lev handles Zac from the trunk, while I take hold of Jez. Ivan reaches into the car and grabs that black case, and I’m dying to know what’s in it.