Page 62 of Our Blood, Our Pain

“Come and have a drink with me, Kai. You look like you could use it.”

I’m about to decline, but decide against it. Maybe Seb can help clear things up for me. The guy has been pretty great to me since I arrived. I follow him into the house, and veer off to the kitchen, the hub of this home. I love this space, I could see myself quite happily preparing many meals in here.

“You want a beer? Water? Coffee?”

“I best stick to water, thanks.”

Seb grabs two waters from the fridge and we sit at the table, both quiet as we take a couple of sips.

“What’s going on, Kai? Why’d you run off like that?”

“I was listening in on a conversation between Jules and Dima. They think I’m weak. Well, Dima was telling Jules how weak I was and how he should end things with me, and Jules didn’t disagree. Said that he shouldn’t have brought me here.”

“I can see why that would hurt. Ignore Dima though. He’s a bastard.”

I laugh at that. Seb and Dima’s relationship is less co-dependent than Aaron and Lev’s. Dima is the only crazy one in his relationship and Seb has no issue standing up to him. They’re certainly entertaining.

“Yeah, it hurt. But now I feel misplaced again. He said I only picked up on some of the conversation, that he told Dima he would leave with me.”

“But you don’t believe him.”

“Honestly, I don’t know.”

“Jules is a straight shooter, Kai. He wouldn’t say anything just to appease you.”

“It’s not just that. I can’t stay here knowing what people truly think about me. It’s embarrassing. Nobody wants to be known as the weak link.”

“Not everybody thinks that.”

“Dima does, which means everyone else probably does too.”

“Ha! You’d be wise to notice that nobody here agrees with a lot of what D says.”


“What are you gonna do?”

I shrug, avoiding the question as I’m sure I know the answer. I just don’t want him running to tell Jules.

“Be careful, Kai. Don’t do anything rash.”

Seb is such a good guy. I’ll miss our little chats.

“I won’t. I promise.”

Lie, lie, lie.



“So, who punched you in the face?” Simon asks me as I drive us to the club.

“Why do you wanna know?”

“Because I wanna shake their hand for getting a hit on you. Miserable fucker.”

“I think you must be talking about yourself, because nobody is more miserable than you.”