“Noooo, can it wait? I’m tired.”
“No, Kai. It can’t.”
He turns over so we’re facing each other and waits for me to continue.
“First of all, this is the second time I’ve warned you not to sass me in front of the guys. You crossed a line tonight, in front of business acquaintances. That little tantrum could’ve caused problems in the interrogation. Don’t do it again, otherwise it’ll be the brothers punishing you rather than me.”
“I made such an ass out of myself.”
“Yeah, you did.”
“Wow, you really are the meaning behind tough love.”
“I don’t sugar coat shit. You’re an adult. You have to deal with it. Now, the second thing, why is your mom messaging me to say she hasn’t heard from you?”
“Oh fuck, really?”
“Yes. Have you been lying to me, Kai? Did something happen back home?”
Kai turns rigid at the question, telling me everything I need to know. He hasn’t told me the full truth, and will most likely lie to me again and say it’s all fine.
“I haven’t lied about anything. Why are you asking? Is Mom alright?”
“If you called her, you’d know.”
“Point taken. You know you can be a mean fucker, don’t you?”
“If that’s how you want to see it. I just answer truthfully. Truth is important in relationships and in our line of work.”
He ponders the statement like I hoped he would. I’m inwardly willing him to tell me what actually happened back home. But predictably, he shuts down.
“I agree. I’ll call her tomorrow. Is that all? I’m exhausted.”
“You better call her tomorrow, otherwise I’ll use the belt on your ass next time.”
“Yeah right. Funny.”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” I ask as I grab his neck to get the point across, using physical language that he understands. That I’m in charge.
“I promise,” he rasps, before I let him go and briefly kiss him on those plump pink lips. He turns over and I cover his back with my own body. Protecting him from anything that may come near him.
My Kai. All fucking mine.
My alarm on my phone wakes me before I’m ready to leave the deep slumber of sleep. I bury my head into my pillow, refusing to acknowledge it’s a new day. I don’t want to face anyone today, not after what happened yesterday. What Dima and Lev must think of me is a question I’m not too keen on exploring.
I turn my head to the side to see Jules still asleep, looking more angelic than he really is. I decide to let him sleep a little longer, and get up to go take a piss before my bladder bursts all over the bed. After relieving myself, I wash my hands and brush my teeth so I don’t kill Jules with morning breath. I look at myself in the mirror and see the hickeys on my body are fading fast, the bruising around my neck is more subtle. I don’t like the idea of his marks on my skin disappearing. I hate that it erases his touch. I enjoyed the soreness and the bold statement they represented, of ownership. I’m so lost in thoughts as I rub each mark while I stare at my reflection, I fail to notice Jules walking up behind me until he grabs me around the waist.
“Admiring yourself?” he teases as he kisses my shoulders.
“They’re fading.”
He looks up into the mirror and scans my body, he strokes his fingertips over each fading mark, like he’s committing them to memory.
“I’ll just have to give you more. Can’t have you walking around unmarked, can we?”